Hello, I just dumped the firmware from my G1X mark ii. I am ready and willing to learn how to assist with the porting of this firmware if someone is able to assist. Here is the link to the firmware I dumped:https://www.dropbox.com/s/w8ehxhz7mx5juwx/PRIMARY.BIN?dl=0
Gonna look over this wiki page tomorrow and the weekend to get started with analyzing the FW binary:https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Adding_support_for_a_new_camera
Welcome, and thanks for posting that. It's firmware 120a, which I haven't seen before. A dump of 101a was posted previously.
That's a good starting point, but beware some of it is outdated, and some digic 6 specifics aren't covered.I highly recommend Ghidra https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Firmware_analysis_with_Ghidra for firmware analysis.The digic 6 page also covers some other digic 6 specific tools https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Digic_6_PortingThis should be a fairly straightforward port. I've included the 101a firmware in my sig finder test set for a long time, so that should work pretty well. G1X II uses DryOS 54p3. SX700 is the only existing port with this version, so would be a good candidate for a reference port.
StartedFC000000 drydone
Do you have a link to where the dump of the 101a version is? I haven't seen anything for the mark ii in my search and I probably would have tried to rollback my firmware to an older version to give this a shot before going down the rabbit hole of porting a whole new firmware. Also, it's possible that the 101a is only for the mark i version, I don't see it on the list of available firmware for the mark ii.
Thanks for the pointers, I struggled a bit trying to decompile the firmware last night. I tried using the latest freeware version of IDA by hex-rays (https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/download_freeware/) but I ran into a wall when trying to navigate the updated ui. I don't think this version supports ARM processors.
Also, if anyone else wants to start inspecting the firmware, I think the contents of the "CBDUMPER.LOG" might be useful to locate an entry point:
make PLATFORM=g1x2 PLATFORMSUB=120a rebuild-stubs
make PLATFORM=g1x2 PLATFORMSUB=120a \ TARGET_PRIMARY=/path/to/PRIMARY.BIN \ OPT_CAPSTONE_TOOLS=1 \ CAPSTONE_TOOLS_INC=-I/usr/include/capstone/ \ CAPSTONE_TOOLS_LINK=-lcapstone rebuild-stubs
sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabisudo apt install libcapstone-dev
I was able to follow the steps here to get the firmware analyzed using Ghidra: https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Firmware_analysis_with_GhidraUltimately getting towards a buildable and testable package that I can install on a SD card and test out on my camera would be nice to get to this weekend.
It only worked when I added some additional params like this:Code: [Select]make PLATFORM=g1x2 PLATFORMSUB=120a \ TARGET_PRIMARY=/path/to/PRIMARY.BIN \ OPT_CAPSTONE_TOOLS=1 \ CAPSTONE_TOOLS_INC=-I/usr/include/capstone/ \ CAPSTONE_TOOLS_LINK=-lcapstone rebuild-stubs
Code: [Select]sudo apt install gcc-arm-none-eabisudo apt install libcapstone-dev
Once installing these packages I was able to get the make command working. Importing the resulting files into the Ghidra was pretty straightforward, although I don't fully understand all the finer details regarding what I was doing.
Which CHDK source branch are you using?
You should check that the arm gcc version is one of the supported versions (4, 5, 8, 9 or 10), otherwise you might end up with a build that doesn't work. The trunk makefiles should check this. IIRC, the version supplied by ubuntu 20.04 is 6, which I think had problems (but I don't recall the details.)
So I wasn't able to work on this over the weekend, however I was able to dig into the build process a bit today. Currently I am able to build the CHDK firmware for my camera using WSL running Ubuntu 20.04 without errors. I end up with two zip files in the bin directory:Code: [Select]g1x2-120a-1.6.0-5729.zipg1x2-120a-1.6.0-5729-full.zipHowever, when unpacking the generated firmware packages onto a SD card prepared for booting, I am unable to get some sort of response from the camera. I suspect I am missing something in the firmware config or code to properly hijack the boot process, but I am not sure yet what that might be. There are some documents which detail the boot procedure more which I might dig into to better understand how CHDK intercepts and injects it's own boot procedure.
Quote from: reyalp on 06 / February / 2021, 01:05:51Which CHDK source branch are you using?I am using the 1.6 version (which is the trunk, I think?).
gcc --version indicates I am using version 9.0.3
Most of the code I have in the platform/g1x2 and platform/g1x2/sub/120a directories is simply a copy+pasta of the code found in the "sx700hs" locations. This might also be the reason nothing happens when I try to load the firmware from the SD on boot.
I think blinking an LED would be a great next step here, so I will look over some of the forum posts that aim to help with that. Any other feedback is greatly appreciated. Cheers!
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