Added theG9 Mark II 1.00Cfull 32MB dump by c_joerg from this forum post to the CHDK P&S FW dumps repository.
How have you managed to run an .m script?
What to press for that?
Once an SD with this format is inserted on the Camera, "extend.m" is called when the camera is in playback mode, by pressing FUNC./SET.
private sub Initialize() System.Create() Driver.Create() UI.CreatePublic() ' GREEN LED (disk activity) p = 0xD20801E4 ' ON *p = 0x24D0002 Wait(2000) ' OFF *p = 0x24C0003 Wait(2000) 'ORANGE LED (frontal looking) p = 0xD20801E8 ' ON *p = 0x24D0002 Wait(2000) ' OFF *p = 0x24C0003 ' Happy final sound BeepDrive(3) Wait(400) BeepDrive(3) Wait(400) BeepDrive(3) Wait(400)end sub
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