cancel retract timer - page 2 - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

cancel retract timer

  • 10 Replies

Offline reyalp

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Re: cancel retract timer
« Reply #10 on: 12 / May / 2021, 13:07:21 »
Here someone made a long time lapse over a year with a G1 X. Interval is 20 minutes. The wobble comes from constantly extending the lens. Stabilization did not improve that either. The script was not described. With such time lapses you have to prevent retraction...
Well, you have to work with the tools you have. I think it's unlikely anyone will come up with a way of having the camera restart while leaving the lens in the same position. I also think it's very unlikely the the Canon firmware and CHDK behave correctly when the tick counter wraps.

If they restarted every 24 days, that would only be 15 times for the whole year, which seems like it should be manageable in post.

One thing to be aware of
I would always turn off the display. The G1x has an optical viewfinder. That saves a lot of energy.
Some CHDK cameras with OVF turn off manual focus when the display is turned off with the disp button (set_lcd_display doesn't affect MF, but it doesn't turn of the sensor or save as much power). You should be able to work around this, for example, by using set_mf or set_aflock after the display is already off, but something to verify before starting a year-long shoot ;)
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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