Ixus 750 / Powershot SD550 porting - General Discussion and Assistance - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Ixus 750 / Powershot SD550 porting

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Ixus 750 / Powershot SD550 porting
« on: 20 / May / 2008, 08:20:00 »
Hi guys, I have an Ixus 750/ SD550 running firmware version H.

I want to run chdk on it. I've never done any real programming before, but I got IDA, downloaded the A series scripts, downloaded the firmware dump.

I opened the firmware dump in IDA. It's a .dum file not a .bin file, but I opened it anyway. I had difficulties in opening the file - the ROM start addresses given in the wiki gave me an error. I left hte settings at their default and ran the A series script. Funnily enough, unlike the screenshot in which just over 5000 bits of code were found, the script found over 200000. I'm running the IDC script now - It has been running for over an hour. It says 'code found 82689 times'. However, I have NO idea what to do now.

Is the rest of the process easy?

I don't like programming. All this hex code scares me, but if it's necessary for me to run chdk, I guess I'll have to!
Alternatively,  if someone else knows how to port it, us 750 owners would be extremely grateful if you could!

« Last Edit: 20 / May / 2008, 08:22:56 by davepit »


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