Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum supplierdeeply

Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?

  • 38 Replies
I'm trying to use it as a webcam
and I saw a few workarounds online
but then people are saying don't update your camera's firmware as you can destroy the firmware
so want to know what I can do, if anything to remove any HDMI overlays when trying to use my Canon EOS M10 as a webcam.


Offline srsa_4c

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Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #1 on: 27 / March / 2021, 08:52:22 »
See first post here: https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=13489.0
If you happen to have an unsupported firmware, download and install the latest Canon firmware update first.

I'm tryin to figure out how to remove the HDMI overlays when using my DSLR as a webcam

I'm using MF, not AF, so will the overlays disappear or no?

Someone said I have to create a bootable disk and go to some chdk site and download a script and then put the SD card back into my canon and then I'll see some new menu options,one of which will be to remove HDMI overlays. However, then my questions becomes can I no longer use that card now as a storage device, since it's a bootable disk now? Also, does this mean I have to buy another card to store photos, videos?

Also, how do you get the canon to boot with the overlays on? I read somewhere you remove the SD card with the script and then it will boot from the firmware.

However once again, that means that you'll need to put a new card for storage then right?



Offline reyalp

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Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #3 on: 29 / March / 2021, 12:41:18 »
Merged topics. It's easier for us to help you if it's all in one thread.

I'm using MF, not AF, so will the overlays disappear or no?
The overlay option removes almost everything, with the minor exceptions in the post srsa_4c linked you to.
Someone said I have to create a bootable disk and go to some chdk site and download a script and then put the SD card back into my canon and then I'll see some new menu options,one of which will be to remove HDMI overlays. However, then my questions becomes can I no longer use that card now as a storage device, since it's a bootable disk now?
No. The card works normally. CHDK wouldn't be very useful otherwise. Although you have to lock the SD card to boot, CHDK makes the camera ignore the lock.

Also, how do you get the canon to boot with the overlays on? I read somewhere you remove the SD card with the script and then it will boot from the firmware.
You can unlock the card if you don't want to run CHDK. The overlays will then be normal. Or you can go into the CHDK menu and turn them back on.

You can find more information about setting up and using CHDK on the wiki
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Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #4 on: 29 / March / 2021, 12:54:53 »
Sorry I don't follow
when I instert the disk with the script on it, I have to lock the SD card?
How do you do that?
Is that a menu option in the Canon EOS M10 or will I only see it once I boot from the SD card with the script on it?


Offline reyalp

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Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #5 on: 29 / March / 2021, 13:05:17 »
Sorry I don't follow
when I instert the disk with the script on it, I have to lock the SD card?
How do you do that?
Is that a menu option in the Canon EOS M10 or will I only see it once I boot from the SD card with the script on it?
The lock is a small plastic switch on your SD card (or adapter, if you are using micro SD).  There is a picture of it on the first wiki link I posted. You need to follow the instructions there to install CHDK on your SD card.
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Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #6 on: 29 / March / 2021, 14:10:53 »
Merged topics. It's easier for us to help you if it's all in one thread.

The overlay option removes almost everything, with the minor exceptions in the post srsa_4c linked you to.

Wait then what's the point of using the script if the grid and focus box will still be there?
Are those the two exceptions you are referring to in regards to what HDMI overlay components are still present?
I thought in Manual Focus mode, all are gone.

Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #7 on: 29 / March / 2021, 14:14:40 »
I'm lost.
I don't follow

I just want some simple steps to be able to remove my HDMI overlays and I feel
thie convo is getting a bit too technical for me

Let me see if I can understand

1. Format the card, make sure it has a Fat32 partition on it. Done
2. Go to the chdk website and upload the script to the card
3. Lock the card( Still don't kow what this is for)
4. When I start my camera, hit "play"
5. This will pull up a new menu from chdk in which I can control other variables like HDMI overlay display

Am I on the right path or am I missing something?


Offline reyalp

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Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #8 on: 29 / March / 2021, 14:31:29 »
I just want some simple steps to be able to remove my HDMI overlays and I feel
thie convo is getting a bit too technical for me
Unfortunately, the thing you are trying to do is technical, so if you want to do it, you need to take the time to understand it.

To install CHDK, you need to follow the instructions on https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Prepare_your_SD_card

Using an app like Stick or CHIMP (linked at the top of that page) is the simplest way to get it on the card.

3. Lock the card( Still don't kow what this is for)
The Canon firmware only treats the card as bootable if it is locked.

This will pull up a new menu from chdk in which I can control other variables like HDMI overlay display
After you start the camera with CHDK, you need to enter CHDK using the "alt" button (defaults to playback button on M10), which gives you access to the CHDK menus, as described on https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/CHDK_1.5_User_Manual
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Has anyone successfully removed the HDMI overlays of a Canon EOS M10?
« Reply #9 on: 29 / March / 2021, 15:53:58 »
Got it. So the "lock" feature on the memory card
is what makes it bootable. Otherwise if it's unlocked then the camera will just treat it as a memory card to store images, videos on it and not as a device to boot from right?
I guess this means, once I'm done with my live streaming and I want to go and capture pictures, video, just unlock it. is this correct?


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