CHDK for longtime timelapse - page 13 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

CHDK for longtime timelapse

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Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #120 on: 28 / February / 2022, 03:02:46 »
I don't know what kind of plastic Canon uses, but if you point the lens directly at the sun, the temperature will rise very quickly, certainly over 40 ° C. You have probably tried to light a match or a piece of paper using a simple lens, ignition occurs at a temperature that the camera certainly cannot withstand. The lens in the camera is much more sophisticated and will produce a high temperature faster. If you read the "Safety Precautions" section in the user manual, you will see that Canon warns of possible sensor damage in this case.
If you see the Sun in the frame, it does not mean that the lens is facing directly at the sun and that there will always be damage.
Yeah! I know what you mean. I thought about it (try to ignite a piece of paper with a simple lens), but so far I have not had any problems (temperatures in lens and sensor very low). The lens on the G1X is also not such a fast lens.
If you want to see a sunset or sunrise of Dolomiti Val Gardena shot with CHDK visit
Instagram: dolomiti_timelapse

Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #121 on: 28 / February / 2022, 03:31:53 »

That's definitely no the right address, it points at at string. I think you want 0xff42bce0, and to use code like the example in

Code: [Select]
=call_event_proc'System.Create' p=call_event_proc('AllocateMemory',4) return call_func_ptr(0xff42bce0,p),p,peek(p)
That will return
1) the return value of function  0xff42bce0, which is the size of the xml
2) the value of the pointer allocated with AllocateMemory (not used here)
3) The value stored at the point, which is the address of the XML.
To read the value out, you use rmem in the link with the #3 as the address and #1 as the size, like this (but with whatever numbers you got)
Code: [Select]
rmem 1079217376 2912 -f=caminfo.xml

This worked! :D

Thank you very much! It is impressive how precise you can provide the answers, so that it is possible to use your input without any further follow-up questions. ;)

This is the result:
Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Internal>Firmware Ver GM1.00E</Internal>

The <TotalShoot> should be only sice I have the camera over 350'000-370'000 shoots.
If you want to see a sunset or sunrise of Dolomiti Val Gardena shot with CHDK visit
Instagram: dolomiti_timelapse


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #122 on: 28 / February / 2022, 03:48:47 »
The <TotalShoot> should be only sice I have the camera over 350'000-370'000 shoots.
Yeah, my impression is that it can get reset under some circumstances that aren't clear. Also, if you reboot with CHDK reboot, the counter will probably not be saved.
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Offline c_joerg

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Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #123 on: 28 / February / 2022, 12:26:22 »
This is the result:

My G1x is full of Errors :(

Code: [Select]
<DateTime>2020.08.12 11:08:48</DateTime>
<Reason>E18 ZoomLensSpeedError</Reason>
<BatteryTemperature>254 37</BatteryTemperature>
<DateTime>2019.04.13 09:28:29</DateTime>
<Reason>E50 FormatError</Reason>
<BatteryTemperature>381 20</BatteryTemperature>
<DateTime>2019.04.13 09:27:45</DateTime>
<Reason>E50 FormatError</Reason>
<BatteryTemperature>382 20</BatteryTemperature>
<DateTime>2018.10.03 17:34:00</DateTime>
<Reason>E18 ZoomLensSpeedError</Reason>
<BatteryTemperature>324 27</BatteryTemperature>
<DateTime>2018.07.13 20:07:32</DateTime>
<Reason>E18 ZoomLensSpeedError</Reason>
<BatteryTemperature>368 22</BatteryTemperature>
<DateTime>2014.11.04 17:12:53</DateTime>
<Reason>E18 ZoomLensSpeedError</Reason>
<BatteryTemperature>370 22</BatteryTemperature>
<DateTime>2014.10.26 21:57:49</DateTime>
<Reason>E18 ZoomLensSpeedError</Reason>
<BatteryTemperature>378 21</BatteryTemperature>
M100 100a, M3 121a, G9x II (1.00c), 2*G1x (101a,100e), S110 (103a), SX50 (100c), SX230 (101a), S45,

Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #124 on: 21 / June / 2022, 10:47:08 »
Hello all!

I would like to give you an update on the project. For a little over a year now, the G1X has been recording the sunrise and sunset timelapse. This means that it has now shot up to 540'000 images.
In the last months I was able to record all timelapses without dropouts, because the script is able to detect if the camera crashed and if so, to restart the camera. This has worked quite well.

This means that the camera still moves the lens in and out when rebooted, but I think the 30 reboots in the last 6 months shouldn't be too much wear and tear.

The temperatures inside the camera are manageable and reasonable: In winter, when the sun shines directly on the sensor, the temperatures are lower thanks to cold ambient temperature (max. about 40°C sensor temperature, usually in the range of 15°C to 35°C) than now in summer, when the sun does not shine on the sensor but heats up the roof (about 50°C sensor temperature and 30°C ambient temperature). I thought about sticking a heat sink on the back of the camera. But since the camera heats up only slightly on the outside, that makes little sense from my point of view.

Sound/music was also added to the timelapse. I recorded my brother playing some songs on the Styrian harmonica, a kind of diatonic button accordion that plays an integral part in alpine folk music.
If you want to see a sunset or sunrise of Dolomiti Val Gardena shot with CHDK visit
Instagram: dolomiti_timelapse


Offline Caefix

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Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #125 on: 21 / June / 2022, 13:46:20 »
You once wrote:
In the camera log for these, I see a lot of lines with "SS:SetFace". If the Canon menu AF setting is set to something Face, AiAF, or Tracking, I'd suggest trying setting it to Center instead.
maybe this is related to this.
G1X Manual ~42: Using optical Viewfinder:  "... Face detection ... not possible."
Maybe You could switch to OVF instead of set_lcddisplay(0) ?
Maybe a way to skip FD & avoid the  SetFace lines...  :-* ?
All lifetime is a loan from eternity.

Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #126 on: 21 / June / 2022, 17:40:43 »

G1X Manual ~42: Using optical Viewfinder:  "... Face detection ... not possible."
Maybe You could switch to OVF instead of set_lcddisplay(0) ?
Maybe a way to skip FD & avoid the  SetFace lines...  :-* ?

Hi, thanks for your replay.

I understand what you mean. I checked the but couldn't find any function regarding this.
Do you have any idea how I could tell the camera to switch to OVF using code?
Or is the only possibility to close the tilt and flip screen in the direction so that it faces the camera?
If you want to see a sunset or sunrise of Dolomiti Val Gardena shot with CHDK visit
Instagram: dolomiti_timelapse


Offline c_joerg

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Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #127 on: 22 / June / 2022, 06:42:09 »
Maybe a way to skip FD & avoid the  SetFace lines...  :-* ?

That's how I did it

M100 100a, M3 121a, G9x II (1.00c), 2*G1x (101a,100e), S110 (103a), SX50 (100c), SX230 (101a), S45,


Offline Caefix

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Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #128 on: 22 / June / 2022, 08:25:33 »
Do you have any idea how I could tell the camera to switch to OVF using code?
Code: [Select]
click("down") -- shows grid
click("down") -- LCD off
click("down") -- LCD on

&& a surprising frame ~0:05  :haha
« Last Edit: 22 / June / 2022, 15:31:01 by Caefix »
All lifetime is a loan from eternity.


Offline reyalp

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Re: CHDK for longtime timelapse
« Reply #129 on: 22 / June / 2022, 17:53:00 »
I would like to give you an update on the project. For a little over a year now, the G1X has been recording the sunrise and sunset timelapse. This means that it has now shot up to 540'000 images.
In the last months I was able to record all timelapses without dropouts, because the script is able to detect if the camera crashed and if so, to restart the camera. This has worked quite well.
Thanks for the update, nice to hear that it working.

Regarding the crashes, one thing that would be extremely helpful is to have more information about when the crashes happen in relation to the rest of the script and PTP actions. If you are interested in trying to debug it, we might be able to set something up to put messages in the log that saved with crash logs. Timestamped logs from the PC might also help.

One other general observation: The logs record several different kinds of crashes that aren't obviously related, so if a workaround like the display off suggestion doesn't seem to "fix" it, it's worth checking if you still see all the same kinds of errors.
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