I think the logs you posted previously were in single drive mode. Unfortunately, drive mode has to be set through the camera UI, but I believe the setting is remembered for cameras like G1X (very old ones always boot in single shot mode)
I believe the change to continuous mode causes a new problem.
After the timelapse is finished, there is still a script running and this script is preventing me to download the RAWOPINT.CSV for the automatic generation of the plots pdf.
The log on the powershell is like this:
connected: Canon PowerShot G1 X, max packet size 512
WARNING: timed out waiting for shot script
ERROR: true uninit a script is already running
ERROR: error on line 16
It takes exactly 30 seconds after the last photo has been downloaded to the pc until the warning message appears. It seems like a timeout error.
Before. the command on the powershell finished with the last photo downloaded to the pc.
line 16 refers to this line of the chdkptp file:
16 rs "D:/sunset/input/" -script=D:/DolomitiTimelapse/sourcecode/rawopint_rs.lua -shots=900 -int=15
17 luar sleep(2000)
What I then tried is to run a separate script with only the download of the CSV file but this gives me a similar error:
connected: Canon PowerShot G1 X, max packet size 512
ERROR: a script is already running
ERROR: error on line 2
this separate script is as follow (I thought to killscript whatever is running but it doesn't seem to work):
#Canon G1X download CSV file
luar sleep(2000)
luar sleep(2000)
luar sleep(200)
luar set_lcd_display(0)
I'm still able to connect to the camera and download manually the CSV file.
On the other side the rawopint script starts 2 times a day without any problems.
Maybe I need to wait a little more after the rawopint script for the download of the CSV files?