I have some good news for my project

Finally the camera has its own window with "panorama" view. Now I can take pictures up to 24mm wide angle. (equivalent to 35mm sensor), before it was only possible up to about 50mm. Also, I can now photograph the sky much better with less light pollution and without the roof visible in the upper part of the image.
No more reflection and a clear and sharp double glass window will give me and this project a lot of joy.
Also, a servo + Arduino is now mounted on the camera (not installed in the attached picture) to turn the camera on and off when the camera crashes and I can't restart it from the PC.
Also a new power supply for the camera is installed with a new 2s lipo with a constant voltage and current limited cd-cd converter.
Now there are some new issues to solve like how to protect the camera from sunlight etc.
Originally I covered the window from the outside with black cardboard, but it was not well stuck, so I removed it again. I think I will use black tape on the glass of the window to make a sunshade and cover the parts of the window that the camera doesn't look through.
Also the video editing has to be updated to the new view...
And every 3 to 5 days the camera crashes... I'm collecting the romlogs and I'll post them here at some point in the future so someone with more experience can take a quick look over it and maybe figure something out, but for now I'm just restarting the camera with the servo.