The dummy photos are not deleted with imrm -quiet, but only when i delete them manually in the canon menu.
Do you mean the files themselves are not removed (still visible with the chdkptp ls command, for example) or that they continue to appear in the Canon UI as "unknown file" or whatever? The latter is normal, CHDK only removes them from the file system. If the files still appear in ls, something is broken.
so imrm -quiet must be different than the canon menu command.
Yes, as above, imrm only deletes the files. They will generally continue to appear in the Canon UI, until a reboot or perhaps a rec/play transition.
maybe i need to take a longer break after executing imrm -quiet and before turning off the display, because deleting the dummy files in the canon menu does take a relatively long time (up to a minute)
Wouldn't hurt to try.
Also, the green light of the camera flashes when the camera is in "standby", which might be caused by exec con:call_function(0xff099f1c) .
In general, what does the flashing of the green light mean that a script is running?
This sounds like Canon firmware behavior, unrelated to CHDK script running. CHDK might blink the led once during certain operations (like saving raw) but it does not set it to continuously blink.
Do you have a script for recording temperatures and voltage during timelapse? I have not searched for such a script up to know to be honest.
As c_joerg said, rawopint records this in rawopint.csv. The columns are vbatt, tsensor, topt and tbatt
I would be very happy if someone of you can read the ROMLOGs and find a cause
From an initial look, there seems to be several quite different things:
#1, #5 and #6 are all
ASSERT!! MotionVector.c Line 338
I think we've seen this one before, but search didn't turn much immediately useful. It is likely something sensor / live view related. I have a romlog from c_joerg with this one on g1x too, but I don't remember the circumstances.
It was previous seen in related to focus override.
In the camera log for these, I see a lot of lines with "SS:SetFace". If the Canon menu AF setting is set to something Face, AiAF, or Tracking, I'd suggest trying setting it to Center instead.
#2 and #3 are
ASSERT!! CobjSearch.c Line 1485
This is related to files somehow. Seems familiar, but again no obvious results.
ASSERT!! LiveImageTask.c Line 523
Occured Time 2021:08:24 05:10:19
ISR : vector=10
Which I don't recall seeing before, but again seems sensor / live view related.
On thing that can cause sensor related crashes is if the sensor is turned off when CHDK calls functions that expect it to be on. This could be an issue if you have the screen off setting enabled in the canon firmware. To make sure the cameras is "woken up" before setting focus or running rawopint, you could send a =click"shoot_half".
I'll look a bit more later into where in the firmware the crashes actually happen to see if that provides any clues.
Nothing really jumps out looking at the firmware. The MotionVector.c assert is based on the result of TryReceiveMessageQueue at ff169f7c
The LiveImage.c assert is from TryPostMessageQueue result at ff134e68. Doesn't appear to be the same message queue as the previous one, but nearby in memory, so likely related code.
The CobjSearch.c assert is from result of function ff199538 called at ff336288.
None of these appear to be a result of code *directly* called by CHDK, they all come from tasks the CHDK doesn't touch. This doesn't mean CHDK isn't the cause (it almost certainly is) but it's not a simple matter of us calling a function with the wrong parameters or something like that.