increase 0.8 fps continues shoot(at low res) canon a2500 to 30 fps as video mode - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

increase 0.8 fps continues shoot(at low res) canon a2500 to 30 fps as video mode

  • 9 Replies
hi friends
i want to increase 0.8 fps continues shoot(at low res) canon a2500 to 30 fps as video mode
in video mode camera take 30 frame shooting at    1280 x 720 (25 fps) how can i use this ability for taking photo every 1/30 second instite of 0.8 continues shot .
is there any scripte do that for me? :o :o

start and stop video record synchronized (in milisecond) with external device as projector
i want to show 100 slide with projector in 10 second (each sinel slid showed time 1/10)
i want to record each slid synced with each frame of video record
is ther any scripe do it for me?

ms stopwatch add to camera
« Reply #2 on: 24 / April / 2021, 07:18:41 »
ms stopwatch add to camera

can chdk add ms stpewatch to camera using for syncronzing
or timing task


Offline reyalp

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hi friends
i want to increase 0.8 fps continues shoot(at low res) canon a2500 to 30 fps as video mode
in video mode camera take 30 frame shooting at    1280 x 720 (25 fps) how can i use this ability for taking photo every 1/30 second instite of 0.8 continues shot .
is there any scripte do that for me? :o :o
No. The only way to shoot at video frame rate is to shoot video.
According to the manual, your camera can also shoot 2.9 fps in "low light" scene mode, at 2304x1728
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Offline reyalp

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I merged your threads together since I think they all related to the same project. It's easier for us to follow if related questions are all in the same thread.

start and stop video record synchronized (in milisecond) with external device as projector
i want to show 100 slide with projector in 10 second (each sinel slid showed time 1/10)
i want to record each slid synced with each frame of video record
is ther any scripe do it for me?
It's very unlikely you'll be able to synchronize video frames like this. A more viable approach would probably be to just shoot video, extract all the frames, and find some way to discard the ones where the slides changed part way through.
There was some work on video sync and FPS control a long time ago, but it never resulted in anything generally usable and will not be useful to you unless you are prepared to do some heavy reverse engineering. (see,

can chdk add ms stpewatch to camera using for syncronzing
or timing task
It really depends on what you want to do. Script has access to a 10-ish ms precision tick counter. Higher precision timers are available, but less convenient to use and would generally require C code.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

how locking lens position
« Reply #5 on: 25 / April / 2021, 08:46:22 »
hi bros
how can I locking lens in a special position that when camera power off .lens didn't retract and stay in the position.
I want use A2500 CANON  for machine vision project and for it camera must be calibrated for  focal point lens mm and focus .if lens retract every time when I power off system . I must repeat all calibration action every time .
is there way doing it ?
if I gluing lens in final position. camera can still work ?


Offline reyalp

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Re: how locking lens position
« Reply #6 on: 25 / April / 2021, 15:29:39 »
Topics merged again.
how can I locking lens in a special position that when camera power off .lens didn't retract and stay in the position.
I want use A2500 CANON  for machine vision project and for it camera must be calibrated for  focal point lens mm and focus .if lens retract every time when I power off system . I must repeat all calibration action every time .
is there way doing it ?
if I gluing lens in final position. camera can still work ?
Normally, the camera will shut down with lens error if the lens is stuck.

You can find some information about working around lens errors on but you should not assume there is a solution for your camera.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

chdkptp pgio
« Reply #7 on: 27 / April / 2021, 07:26:51 »
hi brosi
want to now that have chdkptp ability access to pc port serial usb for send receive signal from input output device like control a relay for on off a led light
general porpose input output

chdkptp snapshot ?
« Reply #8 on: 27 / April / 2021, 07:45:41 »
can chdkptp snapshot every frame continuously when camera is in live mode
i mean if camera record 10 fps can i snapshot 10 time in second
i want capture special frames in period of a video record i want do it in fastest possible

thanks bros


Offline reyalp

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Re: chdkptp pgio
« Reply #9 on: 27 / April / 2021, 13:28:40 »
I have merged your questions into this topic again.

want to now that have chdkptp ability access to pc port serial usb for send receive signal from input output device like control a relay for on off a led light
general porpose input output
chdkptp itself doesn't have any special support for serial ports.

You can execute system command from chdkptp using normal Lua os.execute. So if you have a program that already does whatever it is you want to do with the serial port, you can use that. You can also load Lua modules with require, including modules written in C, so if you have a library that does what you want, you could do it that way.

can chdkptp snapshot every frame continuously when camera is in live mode
i mean if camera record 10 fps can i snapshot 10 time in second
i want capture special frames in period of a video record i want do it in fastest possible
chdkptp can either capture still images (with the shoot, remoteshoot or rsint commands) or capture the live view (with lvdump or lvdumpimg)

Still images will not be faster than whatever the camera can capture normally.

The live view can record 10fps or more on many systems, but the resolution and quality is very low. It is also not synchronized to actual screen refresh, so you may see "tearing" where the live view contains parts of more than one frame.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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