Button codes - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Button codes

  • 2 Replies
Button codes
« on: 14 / May / 2021, 04:56:55 »

Is there a way of checking/hyjacking button codes in ALT mode that aren’t in the standard list.

On the M3 I wish to detect/use the M-Fn button.

Another complication is that I use M-Fn as the ALT key on the M3, so I was wondering if I could detect M-Fn in a running script, ie you added that button check to the standard list, could I then use it in the script by temporally changing the ALT definition while the script was running, ie away from the M-Fn button.

The use case on the M3 is that the M-Fn button is placed next to the shutter thus it is very attractive to make the M-Fn into a script controlled ‘shutter’.

I hope all that is clear  ;)




Offline reyalp

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Re: Button codes
« Reply #1 on: 14 / May / 2021, 11:10:58 »
The canonical list of keys recognized by CHDK script is http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/chdk/trunk/modules/script_key_funcs.c

However, keys in a given port aren't always named as you'd expect, so you also may need to check the camera's kbd.c: http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/chdk/trunk/platform/m3/kbd.c

From this it appears the M-Fn is "print" in the M3 port.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Button codes
« Reply #2 on: 14 / May / 2021, 11:39:28 »

Thanks and confirmed  :)

I must say it's very handy having the M-Fn where it is on the M3.




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