My next plan was to write a script to press a button every X seconds, but I think the camera will need to stay in <alt> mode, which will include an <alt> icon on the screen. Is there a way to hide the <alt> icon?
CHDK Settings->Disable LCD Off = Always should prevent the display from turning off. However, there have been some reports of this failing with HDMI out on some cams
Hello, I wanted to try with bootable SD Card, but STICK tells me there is no official build for this camera.... a Canon PowerShot G7 X Mark II with Firmware 110bWell, anyway i downloaded the CHDK by myself and put it on the SD card, loading CHDK with firmware update method.And i saw the splash screen.... but after it, there is nothing i can change on the camera.There is no new menu, etc.And i can't even access to any alt mode.So if some of you guys have any idea, i would need help
1.) ...
3a) Maybe script needs a modification like...
... really simplest intervalometer will work for me.
--[[@title Intervalometer@chdk_version 1.3@param a = interval (sec)@default a 15@param x LCD always on @default x 0 @range x 0 1--]]function restore() set_lcd_display(1)endrepeat set_lcd_display(x) start = get_tick_count() shoot() sleep(a*1000 - (get_tick_count() - start))until ( false )
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Started by philmoz General Discussion and Assistance
Started by psxpetey General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases