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S95: Colours

  • 9 Replies
S95: Colours
« on: 04 / June / 2021, 15:42:01 »

Just reporting on the S95: 100k build from the development trunk.

I've repeatedly reset the CHDK colours, and deleted the .cfg file. but all the colours reset to shades of orange.

As usual, I'm lost  ???




Offline reyalp

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Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #1 on: 04 / June / 2021, 16:13:42 »

Just reporting on the S95: 100k build from the development trunk.

I've repeatedly reset the CHDK colours, and deleted the .cfg file. but all the colours reset to shades of orange.

As usual, I'm lost  ???
Please post a screenshot from "CHDK Settings->Color Settings->CHDK Color test", system colors page. You can use the screen dump module or take a photo.

Also, please check if this camera has an option in the Canon UI to set the color scheme. This setting would likely be near the start up image option in the Canon settings menu. The manual suggests it doesn't, but just in case.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #2 on: 04 / June / 2021, 16:58:00 »

I attach three screen images.

One shows that the cam starts with OK colours.

Another shows the Orange set.

The third image shows my script running with a console, but the console gets 90% blanked out, but only sometimes.

The script runs OK on G5X and G7X, with builds from the @philmoz repository. But I don;t do any drawing with the version of the script.

No Canon colour setting in the cam.


Offline reyalp

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Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #3 on: 04 / June / 2021, 17:12:05 »
One shows that the cam starts with OK colours.

Another shows the Orange set.
What changed between these two? Is that playback vs rec, did you change canon shooting mode or other settings, open the func menu? Or does it literally change on its own if you leave the color display open?

The third image shows my script running with a console, but the console gets 90% blanked out, but only sometimes.
This doesn't seem likely connected to the color issue. Canon UI updates interfering with CHDK UI is to be expected, though I really can't tell anything specific about what's happening from the picture.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #4 on: 04 / June / 2021, 17:17:51 »

I've tried correlating what I see with the colour change, but can't see any link at the moment.

I'll carry on investigating myself.

I was asking about what I'm seeing, in case it was a 'know issue'.




BTW even if the colour test map shows OK, the CHDK flash screen at start up is orange  ???
« Last Edit: 04 / June / 2021, 17:21:32 by pigeonhill »


Offline reyalp

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Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #5 on: 04 / June / 2021, 17:38:57 »
I've tried correlating what I see with the colour change, but can't see any link at the moment.

I'll carry on investigating myself.

I was asking about what I'm seeing, in case it was a 'know issue'.




BTW even if the colour test map shows OK, the CHDK flash screen at start up is orange  ???
This port doesn't have CHDK custom colors implemented, so the colors are at the mercy of what the Canon firmware is doing with the palette. I would expect the changes to correspond to some specific action or state change in the Canon firmware (again, like switching from playback to rec, or having a Canon menu open, or changing shooting modes).

If you can take screenshots of "CHDK Settings->Color Settings->Draw palette" in the normal, the orange state, and playback that might be useful to either pick better palette entries or implement custom colors.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #6 on: 05 / June / 2021, 01:54:05 »

Colours are one thing, what I really don’t understand is the why I get a transparent box drawing over the CHDK console, see attached.

It’s not there all the time.


OK I seem to have solved one mystery and created another, at least in my mind.

Although annoying, I can live with the colour palette problem.

What I can't live with is the transparency box that 'randomly' hides 90% the CHDK console, ie where I get my script's feedback.

At least now I appear to have eliminated the transparent box problem.

My script runs in MF mode and if I don't have Canon grid displayed the transparent box will appear, but not every time, eg if you switch the Canon screen after manually focusing it may not appear. Thus the box appearing seems related to the Canon GUI state.

Thus, the 'fix' is to have the Canon grid on in both display options. That is always on.

At least the script now runs on the S95, albeit with an orange hue  :D


Looks like grid on its own isn’t enough, ie if all three Canon display options on, shooting info, histo and grids, then transparent box doesn’t seem (sic) to appear. I’ll keep looking and noting  ;)
« Last Edit: 05 / June / 2021, 04:56:33 by pigeonhill »


Offline Caefix

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Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #7 on: 05 / June / 2021, 11:56:50 »
 :xmas ... if need for manualy edited palette ...
All lifetime is a loan from eternity.

Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #8 on: 05 / June / 2021, 13:01:23 »
As usual @Caefix thank you...I think  :D

Re: S95: Colours
« Reply #9 on: 06 / June / 2021, 03:52:20 »
Although this thread is about the S95 colour palette, I thought I would report on the status of my deep focus bracketing script on the S95; as I haven't used the S95 for some time, putting all my efforts into getting my  G1X, G7X, G5X and M3 cameras running my focus & exposure bracketing script.

But the S95 is a great pocket-able P&S, so I decided to test the script on the S95; and, I'm pleased to say, it ran out of the box...nearly. This tends to indicate the script should run on most of the CHDK cameras, other than those requiring special handling, eg the M3.

As this post is about the S95 colour palette, a few words on that story.

The bottom line, from my perspective, is that, as long as I use the script with the 'full' Canon UI showing, the script ‘seems’ to behave as expected. If I turn off the Canon UI, I lose the script's console feedback. That's all I'm going to say on that subject.

As for a test image: I simply selected the minimum (which is 50mm on the S95)  to infinity option (MIN2INF), set infinity to three times the hyperfocal, ie for an infinity blur of the CoC/3, and turned off auto sky bracketing (as I didn't need it). The focus bracketing overlap was set to the CoC of the camera.

The script took 16, perfect, focus brackets, which I simply processed in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Once I find some time I'll tweak the words on the CHDK scripts page and write about the script on my blog at photography.grayheron.net
« Last Edit: 06 / June / 2021, 12:43:30 by pigeonhill »


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