Boots same
, and swapping last numbers ALways boots to <play>. (D30 too)
Edit3: Could it be a "key_pressed" timing/delay issue?
Edit: chdkptp...26/0.
During video in VGA & FHD every 2nd. frame is last<play> buffer ...
... Edit2: Seems nice now with void *vid_get_viewport_live_fb() from Ix255.
Edit4: Tried both boot.c variations: The Firmware Update method switches to <rec>.
The line You posted allows FWU after booting to CHDK<play> until switching to <rec> and back, the other never.
E4.1: Usually the FWU is always as present as PS.FI2, when the lens is retracted,
but D20&30
never "retract"... only after 30 sec.