I encountered a bug in the latest version. When enabling raw mode continuous mode no longer works.
To make sure I'm testing the latest code with the default settings I did the following:
1. Deleted everything including CHDK on the card (be sure to backup anything important if you do this). This step is most likely not necessary I just wanted to see if it would help.
2. Downloaded sx230hs-101c-1.6.0-5977-full.zip and extracted it to the root directory of my SD card.
3. Ran CHDK using the firmware update menu.
4. Changed the mode dial to P so I could enable continuous mode by pressing the Func Set button.
5. Held down the shutter button. I saw that continuous mode is working when only saving JPEGs.
6. Enabled the save raw option. All other settings are left at their defaults.
7. Repeated step 5 except after the camera showed the preview the green LED just kept blinking. The camera didn't respond for a long time until finally the screen shut off but the lens stayed open.
8. I held the playback button and the lens retracted just like it would if I were to remove the battery while the camera is on and then held the playback button.
The single shot mode is not impacted by this bug.
I should also mention that when I say I encountered it in the latest version I just mean that the latest version is impacted by the bug. It also exists in earlier versions for example I had the same problem in sx230hs-101c-1.5.1-5967-full.zip. The purpose of downloading the latest version is just to ensure that I'm not reporting a problem which has already been resolved.