Hi, I was trying to load up CHDK on my A530 I haven't used in years, and I got a message about ROM corruption I have a PRIMARY.BIN file and UpgradeLog.txt on the card now, I've attached the upgrade log, I put the PRIMARY.BIN file here if it's needed: http://entropy.tmok.com/~gauze/PRIMARY.BIN
After several years I turned on my a530 and it also seems to have faulty firmware. I don't see any problems with the camera.
ROM dump is on this link: https://www.4shared.com/s/frd0gYjSPiq
Maybe I'm missing something, but I couldn't find any link on that page that isn't a ****ware ad or a dodgy login prompt
Maybe you need to have an account on 4shared to download, it doesn't matter, here's a link to google drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HWNZ8aApfai4sU-jVncSzzgKZt8rld1V/view?usp=sharing
ping @koshy and/or @waterwingz I think you have a530s, can you check whether the firmware CRC check reports corruption?
Nice reading from you reyalp ;-), I got the camera off the shelf, it too does report a possible FW corruption. Dump enclosed.
In respect to the Flash memory decay and all I have been wanting to re-dump all my cameras for reference one of these days (which has become one of these years, I guess, but 2022 for sure). That should spot any other faulty CRCs in case I happen to have still good FWs...
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