Quote from: Caefix on 03 / December / 2021, 16:00:32For some fun between debugging: Same CHDK as compiled for my 101b without ExMem trouble, 4h lowres video and ptp 240p life-view.(needs? dial at <P>, not StdVideo)Free mem after ptp connection -> rec -> play :So, if I can translate, you are able to record low res video with PTP connected, when CHDK is built without exmem?
For some fun between debugging: Same CHDK as compiled for my 101b without ExMem trouble, 4h lowres video and ptp 240p life-view.(needs? dial at <P>, not StdVideo)Free mem after ptp connection -> rec -> play :
sx230hs, 101b (FHD)TIME,TYPE,ADDRESS,SIZE232770,COM ,47886800,00100000248570,MOVIE_REC ,443fc000,0348a800266910,MOVIE_REC ,00000000,00000000
Free mem after booting to <play> is ~400k, to <rec> ~570k, firmware update same ~400k.
Code: [Select]sx230hs, 101b (FHD)TIME,TYPE,ADDRESS,SIZE232770,COM ,47886800,00100000248570,MOVIE_REC ,443fc000,0348a800266910,MOVIE_REC ,00000000,00000000Quoteprint(string.format("0x%x",0x443fc000+0x0348a800))=0x47886800
TIME,TYPE,ADDRESS,SIZE24850,FILESTORE ,4338d500,045f930036530,FILESTORE ,00000000,0000000043370,MOVIE_REC ,443fc000,0358a80058370,MOVIE_REC ,00000000,00000000
Hi guys,Posting here as it is related to video download and crash. I resorted to my SX220HS to test the video script and got a crash when I requested a reboot. I have observed that it happens when I download a .mov file over ptp that was recorded earlier, delete all files over ptp (imrm), and then reboot the camera over ptp, the reboot fails. Attached is the ROMLOG. Note that the unsafe IO was turned off.
Did you switch to play mode before deleting the file?
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