should i first run make after setup-ext-libs and before bin-snapshot?
If so, you need to run setup-ext-libs first.
because i just tried setup-ext-libs and then bin-snapshot but that wasn't it i guess Code: [Select]misc/bin-snapshot.bashchdkptp-rUnversioned directory-Linux-x86_64.zipMakefile:163: No such file or directorymake: *** No rule to make target ''. Stop.bin-snapshot.bash error: build failedjust tried 'make clean all', it gave the same errorbut i can see it in the trunk folder.
misc/bin-snapshot.bashchdkptp-rUnversioned directory-Linux-x86_64.zipMakefile:163: No such file or directorymake: *** No rule to make target ''. Stop.bin-snapshot.bash error: build failed
it appears no breeze for me, with no prior experience in this i expected a little resitance, but didn't see this coming.......i'm running 21.10 at this moment.
libusb-0.1 libusb-dev libreadline-dev subversion zip build-essential
g++ libfreetype6-dev libgtk-3-dev libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxmu-dev libxft-dev
i did notice something that could have been a svn download when i ran bin-snapshot from the trunk folder.
From my notes, the chdkptp / development related packages I installed wereCode: [Select]libusb-0.1 libusb-dev libreadline-dev subversion zip build-essential
plus the following for GUI (these may only be required if building IUP/CD)Code: [Select]g++ libfreetype6-dev libgtk-3-dev libx11-dev libxpm-dev libxmu-dev libxft-dev
I really don't understand why this has been so difficult. I realize this isn't helpful to you, I'm just baffled as to why something that should be straightforward has been such a problem. Are you running it on a dedicated machine, or using WSL?
To use svn, you should install it with the package manger (On ubuntu, apt-get install subversion) and then use the svn checkout command I posted earlier.
here there might be an answer...i can't recall me specifically installing libusb-dev, only libusb-0.1...nope, installing libusb-dev didn't change the no such file....
dedicated machine, but not top notch: it's a planned obsolescence laptop with crippled hardware by design from hp.
last try from fresh trunk folder and fresh svn download(getting desperate and redundant, fresh trunk is 1167), installed libfreetype6-dev and that solved it. mind you not for the zip, only for the svn download.
my attempts to put loadfile in a sentence are not working out yet: i am trying to use the .0 file as source in loadfile, but that appears to go rlibs the missing link in this?
IMO there is virtually zero chance the error is caused by packages. The only things I can think of are2) Something is actually changed / broken in your copy of the source tree3) Some command on your path used by the makefile doesn't behave as expected, perhaps a different program with the same name
You would need to describe specifically what commands you using and what you are trying to do.
!mc:cmd("call 'source home/xxxx/chdkptp/data/suix.set'; loadfile('A/CHDK/SCRIPTS/SUIx.lua')(nowait)")
so i downloaded the SUIx.0 file from the cam as suix.set and hoped to include that in the string, something like Code: [Select] !mc:cmd("call 'source home/xxxx/chdkptp/data/suix.set'; loadfile('A/CHDK/SCRIPTS/SUIx.lua')(nowait)") but it seems that i am cutting the corner by too much
I'd strongly encourage starting with small pieces, understanding how they work, and putting them together to build bigger parts. If something doesn't do what you expect, try to break it down to simpler cases until you understand what it's doing.
!mc:cmd("call loadfile('A/CHDK/SCRIPTS/SUIx.lua')(nowait)")
camscript -cfg=A/CHDK/DATA/SUIx.0 A/CHDK/SCRIPTS/SUIx.lua -save=suix2.lua
what i'm trying to make is a rig with 2 cams that shoot syncronised without end. i'm not that interested in getting it right up until the milisecond, but the closer i get, the better.i was thinking of using multicam for that or use an usb 5v pulse.
however, i would like the cams to keep shooting even if the pc is not available with the risk of loosing syncronisation due to rtc differences between cameras.this means something has to run cam side that keeps the interval going if there is no message from the pc within the set time.
seperate, but related:i also have this one project that is running for over 4 years now with one stand alone cam. this cam needs occasional syncronisation with time and i do that by hand.i wrote a simple line to only set the clock: press the button and all active cams will be set.since mc already had utc and a fairly accurate timing loop it looked most obvious for me to use that.
i was thinking of connecting the pc every now and then to that cam to set the clock.this can be done each time i exchange the sd card, but ideally i think it should be possible to do that at any given moment during the script run (reboot, between shots, maybe once a day)should this entail stopping the cam side script, setting rtc, starting the cam side script?
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