Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng

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Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« on: 29 / May / 2022, 07:59:15 »
Hi, all.

I have purchased an Ixus 160 with a CHDK-ready sd card at ebay so I could learn IR and see if it is my thing, and managed to make CHDK to output dng. The badpixel.bin was created, it worked for a few days and yesterday I went out to test on the field.
When I came back home to review the shots, I noticed that some of them had the jpg/dng pair, and the last ones just had the jpg. I have just went through the settings now and all are (apparently) as they should, that is, I didn't change anything by accident.
Can you guys think of any situation where this could happen and what can be done to fix?

If you need more info or something tested, just let me know.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #1 on: 29 / May / 2022, 16:28:34 »
When I came back home to review the shots, I noticed that some of them had the jpg/dng pair, and the last ones just had the jpg. I have just went through the settings now and all are (apparently) as they should, that is, I didn't change anything by accident.
Can you guys think of any situation where this could happen and what can be done to fix?
The most likely is that raw / DNG is turned off, disabled for the Canon settings you are using, or you are using a shooting mode in which raw isn't supported.
So first, check in the raw menu https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/CHDK_1.5_User_Manual#RAW_.28digital_negative.29 that Raw and DNG are enabled, and no "exceptions" are set which would prevent using it.

In the current ixus160 port, raw is available in "low light" mode.

There are also some settings controlling where the raw files are saved, and the name + extension.

By default, there's a shortcut to turn raw off which you might have hit accidentally. You can turn this of under CHDK settings "Enable RAW Toggle Shortcut"

If you need more info or something tested, just let me know.
What version of CHDK are you using? You should be able to see in Miscellaneous -> Show build info.

Are you using a card reader to check for / download the files? If you use a USB cable, it's likely you will have problems seeing the DNG files (unless you use a CHDK PTP extension client to download)
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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #2 on: 30 / May / 2022, 03:41:12 »
@reyalp, thanks for your reply.

The build info is: CHDK 1.5.1, rev 6085, FW version 100a (though I noticed there is a 100b for download).
I have double-checked the parameters you pointed and the only options toggled on for exceptions are "Disable raw @ burst" and "Warn when exception", everything else is off.

I don't know how useful is this information, but I quickly navigated through _HDKMETA and it has a bunch of garbled files and directory names, with files with 1,7GB and 3,9GB (though this sd card has 4GB). I am assuming it is what it is, but I can't tell you it was always there, it is the first time I check this dir.

Also, without knowing how it was installed by the previous owner, if as a bootable card or not, i do the "firmware update" to make sure CHDK loads.

When I am in the menu of alt mode and press the shutter, it briefly shows the message:
I don't know if it would interfere since it also happened when dng output was working, but maybe you want these details so I am mentioning it.

Let me know what else you need tested, considering that a "format c: and reinstall" could be inevitable.


When choosing the option to run a selected script file, I just noticed that there are now a bunch of files with garbled names (just like the attached picture) where there used to be proper lua script names.
It looks like CHDK corrupted itself even with the sd card lock tab on, but I have no idea how.  :o  :blink:
« Last Edit: 30 / May / 2022, 04:24:15 by saulocpp »


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #3 on: 30 / May / 2022, 04:22:52 »
@reyalp, thanks for your reply.

The build info is: CHDK 1.5.1, rev 6085, FW version 100a (though I noticed there is a 100b for download).
The firmware version refers to what Canon firmware your camera has. But in this case, the CHDK builds for 100a and 100b are the same anyway.

1.5.1 6085 is the most recent stable build, so that should be fine.

I don't know how useful is this information, but I quickly navigated through _HDKMETA and it has a bunch of garbled files and directory names, with files with 1,7GB and 3,9GB (though this sd card has 4GB). I am assuming it is what it is, but I can't tell you it was always there, it is the first time I check this dir.
That screenshoot and the file sizes sounds a lot like a corrupted SD card to me.

_HDKMETA is not part of the CHDK install, but I think might be created by the CHIMP installation tool.

Also, without knowing how it was installed by the previous owner, if as a bootable card or not, i do the "firmware update" to make sure CHDK loads.
If CHDK loads at boot, you should see the splash screen. If you do, then you shouldn't to use firmware update to load CHDK again.

When I am in the menu of alt mode and press the shutter, it briefly shows the message:
I don't know if it would interfere since it also happened when dng output was working, but maybe you want these details so I am mentioning it.
It doesn't directly relate to raw or DNG, but it means a file that should be part of the standard install either isn't there, or can't be read for some reason.

Let me know what else you need tested, considering that a "format c: and reinstall" could be inevitable.
I think a fresh format and install is probably your best bet. You might consider getting a fresh card too.

For ixus160 and a card 32 GB or less, you should be able format in camera, then unzip the zip onto the root of card, and then boot using "firmware update", and then make the card bootable from the CHDK misc menu. Alternatively, you can use the stick to chimp tools mentioned on  https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/Prepare_your_SD_card

Cards larger than 32 GB will default to exFAT when formatted in camera or with default tools/settings on a PC. For autoboot to work, you need to format FAT32.
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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #4 on: 30 / May / 2022, 04:26:46 »
Sorry, @reyalp.
I just posted an update when you wrote your reply.
You mention a possible corruption and my observation on the update is the same.
I will do the format and fresh install and report back when all is ready.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #5 on: 30 / May / 2022, 05:03:39 »
You mention a possible corruption and my observation on the update is the same.
Yeah. FWIW, in my experience CHDK corrupting cards is quite rare, so the card or camera may be suspect. In the years I've been doing CHDK development, I think I've only had corrupted cards a handful of times, and most of them were due to crashes or directly experimenting with filesystem functions.
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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #6 on: 30 / May / 2022, 05:32:01 »
And the format c: with reinstall was a success.
DNG files are being generated again and if both the card and camera are ok, a blind guess for the corruption is that I turned the camera off before it was finished writing the dng. It is a little P&S, so it doesn't write as fast and maybe I just didn't pay attention.

While I have you here, may I ask if the Auto ISO and shutter overrides of CHDK are not absolute, that is, if the camera ultimately thinks that my preset ISO range in CHDK, as well as the minimum shutter, are not enough to provide the correct exposure, then the camera decision will override CHDK instead of being overridden?

Thanks a lot for your assistance.
BTW, I can't find a way to mark your post as a solution.


Offline reyalp

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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #7 on: 30 / May / 2022, 20:06:25 »
DNG files are being generated again and if both the card and camera are ok, a blind guess for the corruption is that I turned the camera off before it was finished writing the dng. It is a little P&S, so it doesn't write as fast and maybe I just didn't pay attention.
It is conceivable that powering off while raw is saving could cause corruption.

While I have you here, may I ask if the Auto ISO and shutter overrides of CHDK are not absolute, that is, if the camera ultimately thinks that my preset ISO range in CHDK, as well as the minimum shutter, are not enough to provide the correct exposure, then the camera decision will override CHDK instead of being overridden?
For normal CHDK overrides (Enhanced Photo Operations -> Override X), the override is completely standalone, it simply overrides the specified parameter to the specified value, after the Canon exposure calculation. So for example, if the Canon firmware would have used 1/60th and ISO 200, and you override to 1/30, the ISO will stay at 200 and the image will be overexposed by 1 stop.

Custom auto ISO has options various limit and fallback options I've never fully understood, but are somewhat documented on https://chdk.fandom.com/wiki/CHDK_1.5_User_Manual#Custom_Auto_ISO

BTW, I can't find a way to mark your post as a solution.
Yeah, this forum doesn't have such a feature.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #8 on: 31 / May / 2022, 06:01:59 »
Thanks for all the assistance and patience, @reyalp .
Really appreciate it.


Offline Caefix

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Re: Ixus 160 suddenly stopped writing dng
« Reply #9 on: 31 / May / 2022, 11:34:47 »
Code: [Select]
// Periodic update from kbd_task
void shooting_update_state(void)
    // ISO override will set ISO_MODE to auto in halfpress when get_shooting becomes true
    // or immediately if already in shooting or raw hook for bracketing
    // if existing ISO mode is not auto, it will be saved to iso_override_mode_save
    // restore when shooting goes to false
    if (iso_override_mode_save && !shooting_in_progress()) {
        iso_override_mode_save = 0;
&& searching "override" only in ../core/shooting.c offers >100 hits.  ???
All lifetime is a loan from eternity.


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