One other thing I should address is the shortcut keys. The histogram shortcut cycles through available modes, while zebra currently toggles on and off.
It seems enough to press shoot_half in <ALT> to switch zebra back to "Don´t"

Edit: It jumps already back, when the

<ALT> Shortcut screen appears.

... Maybe >gui_on_off_enum()< eats "always" ...?
// core/gui.c ~2650
if ( conf.enable_shortcuts)
y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_DISABLE_OVERRIDES,LANG_MENU_OVERRIDE_DISABLE,gui_override_disable_modes[conf.override_disable], col);
y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_HISTO,LANG_MENU_HISTO_SHOW,gui_histo_show_modes[conf.show_histo], col);
y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA,LANG_MENU_ZEBRA_DRAW,gui_on_off_enum(0,&conf.zebra_draw), col);
y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_OSD,LANG_MENU_OSD_SHOW,gui_on_off_enum(0,&conf.show_osd), col);
Edit3: With the SCS disabled it´s all fine.

Or You exit <Alt> quick enough...