The Ximr builds currently don't have the option to display the histogram over the top of the zebra so you are likely seeing the last frame of the histogram drawn in the RGBA buffer before half pressing the shutter.
@pigeonhillOne other thing I should address is the shortcut keys. The histogram shortcut cycles through available modes, while zebra currently toggles on and off.
// core/gui.c ~2650 if ( conf.enable_shortcuts) { y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_DISABLE_OVERRIDES,LANG_MENU_OVERRIDE_DISABLE,gui_override_disable_modes[conf.override_disable], col); y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_HISTO,LANG_MENU_HISTO_SHOW,gui_histo_show_modes[conf.show_histo], col); y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_ZEBRA,LANG_MENU_ZEBRA_DRAW,gui_on_off_enum(0,&conf.zebra_draw), col); y = shortcut_text(x, y, SHORTCUT_TOGGLE_OSD,LANG_MENU_OSD_SHOW,gui_on_off_enum(0,&conf.show_osd), col); }
Edit2: ... Maybe >gui_on_off_enum()< eats "always" ...?// core/gui.c ~2650
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