While working on this https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=14554.10 I noticed a EOS M cams have a function PrintFALensInfoData, which gets a bunch of lens related values and outputs them, One of the values AbsDisFar, which I believe is what we called focus_distance_upper elsewhere. Other include FocusPos and FocusPosSize, which seem like they might be relevant.If someone can do the following with chdkptp (or equivalent standalone Lua), I'd be interested to see the resulting AdjLog.txtCode: [Select]=return call_event_proc('FA.Create')=return call_event_proc('StartLogOut',-2,0x1000,0)=return call_event_proc('PrintFALensInfoData')=return call_event_proc('OutputLogToFile')download AdjLog.txtIf PrintFALensInfoData returns -1, you callCode: [Select]=return call_event_proc('InitializeAdjustmentSystem')and call PrintFALensInfoData again.You could call PrintFALensInfoData after setting focus to the ends of the available range.Other possibly relevant eventprocs are GetEFLensFocusPositionWithoutLensCom and GetEFLensFocusPositionWithLensComI think these should both return the position, and print it AdjLog.txt if enabled.
=return call_event_proc('FA.Create')=return call_event_proc('StartLogOut',-2,0x1000,0)=return call_event_proc('PrintFALensInfoData')=return call_event_proc('OutputLogToFile')download AdjLog.txt
=return call_event_proc('InitializeAdjustmentSystem')
I would write the LUT to a file. Do the values change at each focal length?Perhaps you can also describe the curves with a function.
if lens_name() == "EF-M11-22mm f/4-5.6 IS STM" then -- calculate lens thickness from manufacturer's data --if lens_name() == "E-M11-22mm f/4-5.6 IS STM" then -- calculate lens thickness from manufacturer's data -- add other lenses as required, ie replace the following for your lens -- For the above lens, 300 is the lens max magnification x 1000, ie from manufacturer's data or your measurement -- 22000 is the lens maximun zoom, or the prime, focal length in microns -- 150 is the lens minimum focus distance (mm), ie from manufacturer's data or your measurement Fmax = 22000 -- Longest focal length (mm) * 1000 Mmax = 300 -- Max magnification * 1000 MFD = 150 -- Minimum Focus Distance in mm t = hiatus() -- distance between front and rear principals step_count = {0,98,170,204,235,262,288,313,339,361,377,398,411,428,441,450,463,471,482,486,491,499,506,512,516,521,525,529} x_at_count = {150,160,170,180,190,210,220,240,250,280,300,330,360,400,450,500,560,630,710,810,930,1080,1270,1540,1940,2590,3840,7600} CalFL = 11 return true
function set_up_lens() -- create Steps & Focus LUTs-- This function may take a while to run for some lenses, ie with lots of steps-- However, as long as you don't change focal length, you only need to run this once-- You will need to call this function after any focal length changeif log == 1 then print_screen(-1) end -- switch focus bracketing logging on call_event_proc("EFLensCom.FocusSearchNear") call_event_proc("EFLensCom.FocusSearchNear") -- just in case ;-) sleep(100) call_event_proc('InitializeAdjustmentSystem') sleep(100) local j = 1-- Note this function doesn't require the step count at MFD to be zero-- It does assume, however, the LUTs don't change; other than explicity when focal length is changed step_count[j] = call_event_proc('GetEFLensFocusPositionWithLensCom') -- doesn't seem to be different to calling 'GetEFLensFocusPositionWithoutLensCom' x_at_count[j] = get_focus_distance_lower() -- This is the Canon reported MFD local last_lower = get_focus_distance_lower() print("Inialising Lens") while get_focus_distance_upper() < inf do call_event_proc("EFLensCom.MoveFocus", 1, 1) sleep(25) -- this could be changed, but only through testing if get_focus_distance_lower() > last_lower then -- just gone through a Canon focus step change j = j + 1 step_count[j] = call_event_proc('GetEFLensFocusPositionWithLensCom') last_lower = get_focus_distance_lower() x_at_count[j] = last_lower end end if log == 1 then -- print out LUTs print(lens_name()) print("Focal Length: "..F:int().."mm") print("Steps LUT") for i = 1, #step_count do print(step_count[i]) end print("Focus LUT") for i = 1, #step_count do print(x_at_count[i]) end end call_event_proc("EFLensCom.FocusSearchNear") sleep(100) print("Lens ready")end function get_x_based_on_step_pos() -- estimate of focus distance in mm from the sensor plane-- This function uses a Lagrange estimation scheme, based on a 2nd order three point interpolation assumption local n = #step_count local t = call_event_proc('GetEFLensFocusPositionWithLensCom') -- step value at current focus local j = 1 for i = 2, n do j = i - 1 if t <= step_count[i] then break end end if j >= (n-1) then j = n - 2 end -- handle being at the end of the LUT tables if get_focus_distance_lower() > 81000 then -- at/beyond any useful lens data return get_focus_distance_upper() end local t1 = step_count[j] local t2 = step_count[j+1] local t3 = step_count[j+2] local pt = fmath.new(0) pt = pt + (x_at_count[j]*(t-t2)*(t-t3))/((t1-t2)*(t1-t3)) pt = pt + (x_at_count[j+1]*(t-t1)*(t-t3))/((t2-t1)*(t2-t3)) pt = pt + (x_at_count[j+2]*(t-t1)*(t-t2))/((t3-t1)*(t3-t2)) return pt:int() -- focus position in mmendfunction move_by(xx) -- move from current position by xx mm local current_focus_pos = get_x_based_on_step_pos() while get_x_based_on_step_pos() < (current_focus_pos+xx) do call_event_proc("EFLensCom.MoveFocus", 1, 1) sleep(25) end sleep(50)end
I wonder if you have come across any Canon functions that explicitly hold that data, ie the upper and lower focus distances, and the step value at those distances.
-- start of scriptuartr=require("uartr")uartr.start("A/UART.LOG", 1)... other codecall_event_proc("EFLensCom.GetFocusPitch")...-- end of scriptuartr.stop()
uartr.lua: start UART redirectionFocus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseuartr.lua: stop UART redirection
uartr.lua: start UART redirectionFocus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseFocus Move Complete!!Target: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseFocus Move Complete!!Target: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseTarget: 1, Speed: 1Focus Pitch = 0.000000 mm/pulseFocus Move Complete!!uartr.lua: stop UART redirection
Not much help I'm afraid ;-)
I've reached a stopping point now, ...
Code: [Select] ZoomPos : 0x3f ZoomPosSize : 0x3f
ZoomPos : 0x3f ZoomPosSize : 0x3f
Quote from: pigeonhill on 04 / July / 2022, 15:43:46I've reached a stopping point now, ... The next need is some get_zoom(). Can it be derivated somehow?EFM 11-22, 15-45 & 18-150 have in common 0x3f=64 zoom_steps.Quote from: Caefix on 27 / June / 2022, 10:59:44Code: [Select] ZoomPos : 0x3f ZoomPosSize : 0x3fWhat was the relation between subj_distance/LUT & get_zoom() ...
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