Thanks. I mostly just wanted to see what the sequence of events was.
So that suggests the problem really is happening in imglist. Which is odd. One thing that might be possible is the camera side function is running to long without yielding. The camera side script uses set_yield to keep automatic sleeps from messing with sync. But with lastimg=1, I'd expect the list function to be quick, so I don't really think this is a good theory. Anyway, you try modifying cmds.imglist around the ff_imglist call like
set_yield(0,0) -- default yield
local status,err = ff_imglist(args)
set_yield(-1,-1) -- no auto yield
If it is really triggered by imglist, another thing to test would be if you can reproduce it just by repeatedly calling imglist with some files on the cam, without doing any of the shooting/downloading etc. I would assume the assert only happens in rec mode.
It is running with the changed code.
i have not seen the imglist hang for seconds since this change. yes i have by now, maybe not as long or frequent as before, but certainly over 1 second. the cams still appear to be synced in shooting though.
....will take more time to know for sure.
the change that is visible is that before this code it would cycle trough a few imglist that were instant resolved and then one or 2 that took longer, and eventually it would stop at one of those long waits.
now it appears to take more time as more shots are being made. i have not seen an instant imglist response in the last hour. and an hour later it averages closer to 4 seconds.
by now it takes more than 10 seconds to complete imglist and there are 350 images recorded per camera.
even if it doesn't crash just yet, after 8 hours of runtime there isn't enough time left between shots to perform imglist and the download...but i'll let it go on until it fails.
i think this is the problem, imglist isn't very efficient with lots of images...or runtime
and that's strange, since i use the same in a local script for the logfile:
and that never leads to such long times....something pc side should be flushed?
fyi...while editing this text imglist takes up 12 sec by now.
and probably due to all those sleeps next shot is not triggered in time anymore, but delayed with several seconds....and growing more out of pace with each shot.
around 600 shots it skipped a shot and i stopped the interval.
What I meant was, if you use lastimg with DCIM missing, the error you get will refer to the current image directory, otherwise, it will refer to DCIM.
at start i think it would be best to know if something is there to download or if something has been downloaded, either way. maybe i can use the error as a true or false.
Are you referring to the download count on attachments? I don't use any scripts to download anything from this site.
i thought the website might be set up to archive all posted lua files in one place seperate from where the links of uploaded files refer to.