Is there a way, in a Lua script, to completely control the shooting irrespective of the Canon settings. For example, if I set the Canon side AEB on, say to three brackets, and use shoot() in Lua, I will get three bracketed images. The question is, how can I keep the Canon AEB setting but by pass it in my script and use shoot() as a single image capture.
What I was trying to do is leave the Canon side AEB set to three brackets, which will be triggered by a single shoot() call, and find a way of capturing an image in the script, without triggering the Canon AEB sequence.
Generally speaking, I would suggest if you want to do bracketing in a script, you would be better off using CHDK functionality rather than trying to integrate it with Canon native bracketing.
If I use props=require'propcase' at the start of my script and subsequently use base_s = get_prop(props.USER_TV), will the props data get updated as things change, or will the props only capture the USER_TV that was at the start of running the script?
Quote from: reyalp on 16 / August / 2022, 16:38:12Generally speaking, I would suggest if you want to do bracketing in a script, you would be better off using CHDK functionality rather than trying to integrate it with Canon native bracketing.The only reason for me to use the Canon AEB is the speed at which the 3 shots are taken. With CHDK I never made it in speed.
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