function getkey(x,...)local k=0local t=1000console_redraw()if ...~=nil then print("*<",...,">") endif x==nil then x=42 endif x<10 then sleep(33) repeat wait_click(9) until is_key "no_key" if x<8 then play_sound(x) end wait_click(t*t) if x~=8 then sleep(123) end endif x>t then wait_click(x) end local ti=get_tick_count() while is_pressed "face" do k=1 end while is_pressed "up" do k=2 end while is_pressed "video" do k=3 end while is_pressed "left" do k=4 end while is_pressed "set" do k=5 end while is_pressed "right" do k=6 end while is_pressed "display" do k=7 end while is_pressed "down" do k=8 end while is_pressed "menu" do k=9 end while is_pressed "help" do k=11 end while is_pressed "playback" do k=13 end while is_pressed "print" do k=16 end while is_pressed "zoom_in" do k=22 end while is_pressed "zoom_out" do k=24 end while is_pressed "shoot_half" do k=29 end ti=get_tick_count()-ti while x==t do x=0 k=get_orientation_sensor() if go==nil then go=k/90+99 end if k==0 then G=go else play_sound(1+k/90) end if k==90 then G=G-1 end if k==270 then G=G+1 end endreturn k,tiend
:##keysif is_pressed "down" then click "down"if is_pressed "left" then click "left"if is_pressed "right" then click "right"if is_pressed "up" then click "up"if is_pressed "set" then click "set"if is_pressed "menu" then click "menu"return
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