A couple of Multicam doubts and general help - page 16 - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

A couple of Multicam doubts and general help

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Offline reyalp

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Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #150 on: 26 / January / 2022, 12:54:11 »
Where/in which file can I find the setting to allow Native Calls? I'm gonna have to upload it from some other camera (must be same model?),
You should be able to set it on another camera, and then copy CHDK/CCHDK4.CFG from the camera where you set the setting to the G9, and then immediately restart the G9 without touching any CHDK settings. It does not need to be the same model. (Some model specific settings are reset when you load a CFG on a different model, but not native calls)
cause the G9, aside from being impossible to reach, has a faulty screen (which may be the culprit??) and can't activate the setting in the menus.
FWIW, you should be able to use chdkptp live view to see the menus even if the physical display is broken. You'd still need to access the physical buttons to navigate the CHDK menu though, so the CFG route is probably easier.

Camera is quite possibly gonna go to waste, but I'd like to give it a last chance and check the romlog
An otherwise functional camera with a broken screen is still useful for development, so if you're planning to throw someone here would probably take it.

Also: For some time I couldn't get STICK to work with new builds and installed them manually. Now I'm seeing some 1.5.1 versions error out when downloading, I could only get to download 1.6 unstable for A2300 - 100e and SX150 100a
Do you mean errors downloading from  http://mighty-hoernsche.de/ or through stick?
The 1.5.1 build looks OK to me, but sometimes you have to do a full page refresh.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #151 on: 26 / January / 2022, 18:42:20 »
Thanks Reyalp, I never thought about the Live view! Not in this case maybe, but sounds handy for other situations. I'll go the CFG way for now and post the romlog. G9's been functional up until now, I hope I can keep it.
Regarding the downloads, I don't know maybe it was me, but there were a couple of builds that errored out on mighty-hoernsche. I suppose Stick has been deprecated? It was very handy :(
And did you have time to check the romlog of the Sx150 I posted before? That camera has been functioning perfectly since the first day I started all this, first one I bought! I hope it can go back to the rig.
Thanks again mate :)


Offline reyalp

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Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #152 on: 26 / January / 2022, 20:16:18 »
That camera has been functioning perfectly since the first day I started all this, first one I bought! I hope it can go back to the rig.
I missed that. Can you give any detail of what of what you were doing when the camera crashed? Also, if possible, what CHDK version was running at the time?

Note the romlog says "Occured Time  2017:12:17 14:56:24"
Can you check if the clock is set to 2017? If not, this is probably a very old one from a different failure.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #153 on: 27 / January / 2022, 10:28:43 »
I'll check, but most probably the date is not set correctly (in any of the cameras, since they're most of the time without power). Just wondering... Is there an option to feed the date and time of PC to all the cameras at every startup? I remember we skipped this at the beginning of this thread, for simplicity. I believe it had version 1.4.1 with the first crashes, and I updated to 1.6 to see if it helped. Im on my way to the studio now, but I think camera refused to connect or sync, I don't remember it getting it to the shooting stage.
Edit: Confirmed SX150 errors at mc:connect
« Last Edit: 27 / January / 2022, 11:25:53 by ikercito »


Offline Caefix

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Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #154 on: 27 / January / 2022, 11:23:11 »
Regarding the downloads, I don't know maybe it was me, but there were a couple of builds that errored out on mighty-hoernsche. I suppose Stick has been deprecated? It was very handy :(
You could compare the dates of DISKBOOT.BIN & /../MODULES/..  8)
Maybe the transfere had a leak...  :-X
Code: [Select]
if so then where() end
Edit: Might help, too ... http://zenoshrdlu.com/cfgedit/chdkcfgedit.html
« Last Edit: 27 / January / 2022, 15:42:57 by Caefix »
All lifetime is a loan from eternity.

Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #155 on: 27 / January / 2022, 11:29:59 »
Ok, just checking dates, i thought I got the correct romlog but seems to be old. Will provide new one.


Offline reyalp

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Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #156 on: 27 / January / 2022, 12:45:35 »
I'll check, but most probably the date is not set correctly (in any of the cameras, since they're most of the time without power). Just wondering... Is there an option to feed the date and time of PC to all the cameras at every startup?
Code: [Select]
This requires at least CHDK 1.5.1 and chdkptp r941, and should be run after init_sync()

I remember we skipped this at the beginning of this thread, for simplicity. I believe it had version 1.4.1 with the first crashes, and I updated to 1.6 to see if it helped. Im on my way to the studio now, but I think camera refused to connect or sync, I don't remember it getting it to the shooting stage.
Edit: Confirmed SX150 errors at mc:connect
Can you describe what happens when it errors? Does the camera immediately shut down? What is the error on the chdkptp side?
Can you connect to the camera with chdkptp normally, without involving multicam?

Ok, just checking dates, i thought I got the correct romlog but seems to be old. Will provide new one.
The way the romlog works is when the camera crashes, the firmware saves the crash information to a specific block in the camera onboard flash memory (the "ROM" where the firmware is stored) and then when you get the romlog, that block is read out to a file on the SD card. Both the CHDK romlog menu and the chdkptp dromlog command delete any existing romlog file form SD  beforehand, so the only way you should be able to get an old one is if that's what actually stored in flash.

It is possible for the camera to crash or have other errors without recording a romlog.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #157 on: 10 / February / 2022, 09:13:27 »
Hey guys, I've been out for a few days and I'm back at it now. I finally did not produce any romlog, since I realized there was no crash as such, only these cameras failed to connect. They'd continue on after the error, so there was no actual crash, they just disconnected from chdkptp. I suspect it all comes from the USB network I have, since after swapping a few things around, cameras that failed to connect are now working perfectly. BUT... Most of the times there's some camera that refuses to connect (ptp_opensession error, or failed i/o error...), so I'm beginning to think that it's all related to the USB network being somehow saturated (I have only 32 cameras, is this possible??)

If I test it by individual groups (I have 4 independent groups of cameras) they all seem to work fine, but if I try them all at once, there's surely gonna be one camera that'll fail. I can't come to any conclusion right now, this is nerve wracking, seems so random...

Is there any big rule for USB connections that I'm missing out? I have the cameras distributed on 5 different powered USB hubs, each comes to a different USB port on PC thru an array of different lenghts of cable, three are 3 meters long, and two others are "special" 5 meter ones. Cabling seems not to be the issue here, but i just don't know anymore. I'm absolutely puzzled by what's happening.... :(

EDIT: Also, I tried setclock command and gave errors on a few cameras (outdated CHDK surely), can anyone remind me how to update CHDK remotely? My mind is blocked right now  :-[
« Last Edit: 10 / February / 2022, 11:12:41 by ikercito »


Offline reyalp

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Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #158 on: 10 / February / 2022, 13:13:45 »
BUT... Most of the times there's some camera that refuses to connect (ptp_opensession error, or failed i/o error...), so I'm beginning to think that it's all related to the USB network being somehow saturated (I have only 32 cameras, is this possible??)
The number of cameras should be ok, but the chance of running into electrical issue or flaky hubs goes up.

EDIT: Also, I tried setclock command and gave errors on a few cameras (outdated CHDK surely), can anyone remind me how to update CHDK remotely? My mind is blocked right now  :-[
You just need to unzip the CHDK zip somewhere, and then use

Code: [Select]
mup c:/path/to/zip/files A/
That's for a single camera using the regular cli. You can do multiple cameras using multicam like the example on https://chdk.setepontos.com/index.php?topic=11667.msg124777#msg124777 but you need to be sure only cameras of a single model and firmware version are connected.

Also, you might want to keep a copy of the version currently installed on the camera, so you can go back to a known configuration if the update breaks something.

You can use something like
Code: [Select]
mdl DISKBOOT.BIN PS.FI2 c:/path/to/save/on/pc
to backup your CHDK install.
Don't forget what the H stands for.

Re: A couple of Multicam doubts and general help
« Reply #159 on: 25 / October / 2022, 12:28:17 »
Hi guys, this is a message to thank everyone of you who helped in the development of the project. Unfortunately the project is going to be finally shut down during the next month. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions, of many successes but also many frustrations. In the process I've learned all sorts of subjects, from electronics, coding, engineering, 3d printing... all in which I started from scratch.
The great help from this community helped in bringing it forward, but there's three main reasons I must call this a failure. First my lack of expertise to deal with such a complex task involving so many subjects, second the realization that with such a tiny budget a 360 full body photogrammetry scanner is an almost impossible feat to achieve (one cannot compete with a proper array of high end Dslr cameras and a professional system to do so), and third realizing that with the hardware I had, despite adding more and more cameras the quality that resulted would never match the systems i mentioned earlier.
But it's been an amazing project to work on and a learning process that I've loved (and hated at times). I wanna thank Reyalp for all the help he provided in the process. You're a godsend with infinite patience, without you this would have never been possible. Thanks so much.
I hope all the info that was shared here can help people develop their own projects, I wish them the best luck. It's been an incredible journey, thanks again.


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