@philmoz This is just a thought and it may be stupid…or maybe not?
My thought is to have a Lua function that remaps the XIMR drawing to the portrait orientation. For example draw.remap(y_offset) will take all the drawing objects that are enabled and remap them from the landscape orientation to the portrait.
Obviously, the aspect ratio is different and hence remapping might ‘simply’ be restricted to the same aspect ratio, ie scaled, but positioned in the remapped y direction, ie at the top or bottom of the portrait area, user definable y_offset variable.
As I say, it’s just a thought and I would welcome your views. If you think it has merit and you [:-)] could see yourself coding it, I could add some more thoughts.
The above idea would go well if we could detect landscape or portrait orientation, but it would also work well with a scripted button press to force the change.
The idea could be extended to cover other remapping needs, ie upside down etc.
The use case being where a script is giving the user info, eg as on my depth of field script.