This is really a question.Nowadays people use smart phone for daily shooting,because they have some interesting features like using AI to fair their faces or add some interesting text on the photo.These features the Canon P&S don't have(or not powerful like phone),and even won't be developed in future camera.This is one reason that Canon's (or other companies') compact camera don't sell well these days,people use smart phone instead of camera
.Also,people thinks that the camera can only shoot,not many people knows CHDK.So that's why they didn't release compact cameras in few years.(AFAIK,my IXUS 175 is the last one or two that Canon released in the past years)
But the DSLR's situation is quite different from the compact camera;The main reason is that they're more expensive,and they have more professional features that the smart phones can't replace it's position.So other companies would set to releasing more DSLR as their goal.However,not all people is professor,and smart phones are still used widely to capture the photos.
But for me,I think the compact cameras still have a place for certain people.So I won't think it's dead(though many people think so
).Let's do a new one by ourselves(maybe call the system 'CHDK-OS',