Hey all, for some reason STICK hasn't been working for me at all. I've been using Windows 10 on a Lenovo W540 and a PowerShot SD1000 and every time STICK tries to create partitions, it creates unusable partitions that fail. It creates the partitions but Windows chimes in saying the newly created partitions need to be reformatted to use, and as such STICK is unable to copy files to them. This is an SD1000 so it needs the 2 partition setup. If I reformat them myself (partition 1, 16MB, FAT, partition 2, ~7GB, FAT32, inserted to the camera in read-only mode) and let STICK finish, it works properly, but when loading into the camera it displays the "no modules" error (the exact error escapes me, I've been using CHDK by update mode). Trying to make the SD card bootable through CHDK while loaded won't boot, and partitioning it in CHDK renders the SD card corrupted and unusable.
I'm not opposed to loading CHDK every time but it is rather annoying to do, I just have no idea what steps I need to take to either keep STICK from creating corrupted SD partitions or how I can do it myself to get it working. My next step is to try Linux, which I plan to do when I get home from work.
Thanks all in advance, been having so much fun with this camera now that it can shoot raw, while this project is aging I'm glad it's still around to mess with