@reyalp @philmoz I've spotted a strangeness that I don't understand.
I use the following function to detect if the LCD, EVF or HDMI is being used on my G5X:
function check_screen()
if get_gui_screen_width() == 360 and get_gui_screen_height() == 240 then -- using the LCD
vx = 360
vy = 240
elseif get_gui_screen_width() == 480 and get_gui_screen_height() == 270 then -- using the HDMI out
vx = 480
vy = 270
elseif get_gui_screen_width() == 344 and get_gui_screen_height() == 270 then -- using the EVF (at least on a G5X)
vx = 344
vy = 270
For the LCD and HDMI output all is OK and if, as I do, draw a black box , eg (0,0) to (vx,20), sure enough I get a black box across the full width, as expected.
However, on the EVF, the box doesn't go to the far right, ie it looks like a gap of around 10-15 pixels (guessing) and this remains the case even if I push VF beyond the screen width of the EVF, ie 344, which reported by the get screen width call.
Any insight?