startadr = c * 0x1000000
startadr = c * 0x0000000
I have no idea if its valid or not, if someone could check and give me some pointers on this I'd be happy to try it again.
I'd tried the official script, and it didn't do anything other than creating some log files that had simple error messages.
Added theEOS M6 1.00Bfull 32MB dump by acseven from this forum post to the CHDK DSLR FW dumps repository.
The only function I'd need is more than 3 bracketed images though. If only the canon firmware would let me have that…Well okay, maybe some more tweaks like to have the bracketed shots be taken like -, 0, + (--, -, 0, +, ++ maybe?) and not only like 0, -, +
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