camera sometimes hangs after focusing: problemwith USB remote script - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

camera sometimes hangs after focusing: problemwith USB remote script

  • 10 Replies
I am using this script with my Canon a570IS. It lets me focus and fire the shutter with my USB remote that I made.
Somtimes the camera focues and then takes the picture. No problem but after a while it sometimes focuses and then hangs there and does not continue to take the picture. The green focus squares just stay on the LCD. Is there something I can do or check?   Should I just swithc to Stereo Data Maker and use that instead of CHDK?

@title Remote button

wait_click 1
is_key k "remote"
if k=1 then shoot
goto "loop"

Picture of my friend trying to take pictures.


Offline fudgey

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Does it help if you add a delay after shoot (see below)?

Code: [Select]
@title Remote button
is_key k "remote"
if k=1 then shoot
sleep 1000
goto "loop"

strange , when I add 'sleep 1000' to the script and push the remote button, then nothing happens at all.

So i removed the 'sleep 1000' and the camera didn't take pictures at all even though everything is back to the original ?.

Then I forgot and went back to the script and added '1' at the end of wait_click and then the camera seemed to re-start taking pictures again...but I dont know if it will hang again in the future...will have to just keep an eye on it again.
« Last Edit: 27 / May / 2008, 13:46:25 by Aristoc »


Offline fudgey

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Is the flashlight in auto mode? Some scripts have problems with flash.

The camera is in 'AUTO' mode. So I think that means all functions including 'flash' are in auto.

When the camera freezes after focusing, I noticed that when I press the 'ALT' button to turn off CHDK and then press the 'ALT' button again to turn back on CHDK the camera finishes the shot and takes the picture. Then it is ready again and does the same thing over again...freezes on focus and does not finish the shot.

Does that help?
« Last Edit: 28 / May / 2008, 07:52:15 by Aristoc »

I just noticed the same problem on my A630!
When I put the flash in auto mode, the camera "locks" after focusing. But when I use forced flash, the problem does not occur... Strange thing.
« Last Edit: 30 / May / 2008, 06:01:39 by A630Lover »


Offline fudgey

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The camera is in 'AUTO' mode. So I think that means all functions including 'flash' are in auto.

No, in "AUTO" mode the flashlight has two modes: AUTO and DISABLED. Press the "up" arrow i.e. the upper section of the ring around FUNC/SET, the one with the picture of a lightning.

When the camera freezes after focusing, I noticed that when I press the 'ALT' button to turn off CHDK and then press the 'ALT' button again to turn back on CHDK the camera finishes the shot and takes the picture. Then it is ready again and does the same thing over again...freezes on focus and does not finish the shot.

Does that help?

I was able to reproduce this same behavior, but only with flash in AUTO mode, not with flash disabled. I'll try to find some time to troubleshoot this further later. Until then, disable flash unless someone else to comes to the rescue. ;)

Thank you ... I will do that and follow up TY  :-*


Offline fudgey

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I think I found sort of a solution. The script below will only work on Digic III (only a570is tested, of course). I couldn't find a "flash ready" propcase documented for the Digic II on the wiki, so I can't even try to port it. But I don't know if any Digic II cameras have a problem with auto flash in the Simple_Remote.bas from SDM, either.

The script below is really just a dirty hack to get around the fact that there's something wrong with using Auto flash mode on these cameras with uBASIC. The problem with the original script is that if you try to shoot with auto flash, the script will freeze right before shooting unless the camera has chosen to fire the flash.

To prevent this, this script detects whether you are using auto flash mode or not. If you are, it never shoots right away. Instead, it half-shoots, checks whether the camera wants to use the flash or not and forces the flash ON or OFF for the duration of the shoot command (btw, "Flash ON" is available in AUTO shooting mode by setting the propcase from CHDK, even though it is not available from Canon's buttons or menus).

So, this script shoots rather slowly if the flashlight is in automatic mode, but it won't freeze like the regular script does. In flashlight ON or OFF modes it's no different from the regular remote script.

Using press "shoot_full" instead of release "shoot_half" and shoot may be a way to speed it up, but I didn't try that yet because that arrangement causes camera lockups in my fast MD script.

(The script is attached, log in to see it, pasting doesn't seem to be working for me today and I hate unnamed files anyway).

Re: camera sometimes hangs after focusing: problemwith USB remote script
« Reply #9 on: 02 / June / 2008, 12:57:30 »
That is quite a bit different of a script compared to the original   :'(. I will have to test it out...over the next week to two weeks since we only use the camera once per week so far. Will update later. Thanks for all that.  ::)


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