CHDK for SD1100 - if so, where? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

CHDK for SD1100 - if so, where?

  • 3 Replies
CHDK for SD1100 - if so, where?
« on: 27 / May / 2008, 19:36:09 »
Hi. I just purchased the SD1100. I have a Mac (OS X, 10.5). I put the ver.req file onto my memory card, and my version number is GM1.00C.

I can find the allbest CHDK file for the SD1000, but no reference for the SD1100.

I tried the allbest-ixus70_sd1000-100c-50 and allbest-ixus70_sd1000-101b-50 files, but there isn't a "Firm Update" option in Review mode (or in any other mode).

Can anyone on this forum confirm whether or not there is a file that will work with the SD1100 camera? If there is, what is the file, and where can we download it?

Thanks very much for any help you can offer.  :)


Re: CHDK for SD1100 - if so, where?
« Reply #1 on: 27 / May / 2008, 21:33:15 »
As far as I know there is no CHDK for SD1100 yet...

The camera's original firmware needs to be dumped first, before it can be ported.

As of now, the firmware has not been dumped.

Re: CHDK for SD1100 - if so, where?
« Reply #2 on: 27 / May / 2008, 21:42:54 »
Hi, r8dhex.

Thanks for your fast response. Do you happen to know if there is anyone actively working on this.

I'm sure that by now there are a lot of SD1100 users who would love to use CHDK.

Thanks!  :)


Re: CHDK for SD1100 - if so, where?
« Reply #3 on: 28 / May / 2008, 00:58:35 »
Yes, I have an Ixus80/SD1100 too, and I used to have an Ixus55 with CHDK so I know what I'm missing.

I'd like to work on this, but "real-work" is getting most of my time these days. If you can help, search the board for Ixus80/SD1100 firmware dumping threads.

The problem right now, I think, is that the universal dumper is not working on our cameras, so either the universal dumper needs to be modified, or another approach is needed.


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