Looking for camera that will work w/ CHDK around 200 dollars and atleast 4x OZ - General Chat - CHDK Forum

Looking for camera that will work w/ CHDK around 200 dollars and atleast 4x OZ

  • 6 Replies
Any one have suggestions for a camera that will work w/ CHDK that costs around 200 dollars with 4X or more optical zoom.  Im looking at these, but am not sure if CHDK will work because they have IS after their name? 

IE is woudl Canon PowerShot SD1100 IS Blue 8.0 MP Digital Camera be the same camera as the canon poswershot SD1100? (does not have IS) and/or would CHDK still work or does it have to be the non IS camera?

Where are you from, blaskos?
dpreview.com has a great camera "database", which lists cameras model names for the American market but also has the European market names in the specs. The initial chart for current models are in picture form, so no matter what you call it, you'll recognize it.
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


CHDK is compatible with a lot of IS and non-IS cameras. IS just means Image Stabilization, and is not an indicator of CHDK support. Check the wiki for the compatibility chart.

The Canon SD1100 is the same as the Ixus 80, both have Image Stabilization, whether it's specifically mentioned or not. Some people, like me, may write it as SD1100 as shortcut, but it still has IS, and there is no non-IS version.

However, the Ixus80IS aka the SD1100IS does not support CHDK as of now. Besides, it only has 3.0x zoom.

I dunno if you're interested in the A line, but I just got the A720 and love it. It has 6x zoom.

I dunno if you're interested in the A line, but I just got the A720 and love it. It has 6x zoom.

how do you like it, i think i will get the A570, just because the reviews seem to be better.  Is it worth it to get the 6x Optical Zoom, other than that it seems the 570 is better (according to zoom).  Does chdk have all the good features like timelapse and how is the video on 570

I bought the 720 over the 570 because of:
- The zoom. My old A520 had 4x zoom. 6x really makes a difference
- Face recognition - I figured it would be helpful for quick shots - and it is
- Resolution - I know it doesn't neccesarily make for better shots, but I wanted at least 8 MP

Reviews for the 2 cameras seemed almost identical

I went ahead and ordered the 720.  Thanks for everyone's input.  Im sure ill have more questions when i receive my camera in 7 days.


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