I am not sure there is a single page that lists the differences between VxWorks/WindRiver vs Dry OS... Other than maybe looking at the code.Also, some of the differences are because the older cameras tend to use VxWorks with the Digic II Canon processor vs the Digi III chip with Dry OS (there probably is some crossover too)... So, for some CHDK differences also include the fact that Digi III's are not as well known as Digi II chips. So--it is not that the A720is is a little behind the development of CHDK--rather that it has new hardware/software that is not completely understood at this time.Roughly, the differences I have seen from reading this forum:1. Using "Update Firmware" (PS.FIR) to load CHDK is not currently supported by Dry OS (because new OS uses a different encryption code--and the key/process is not known yet for Dry OS?).2. Since the "Bootable" process for loading CHDK requires a FAT12 or FAT16 formated SD/SDHC card (for all VxW/Dry OS cameras), the largest usable SD/SDHC partition supported is 4 GB--you can use larger cards, but they must be formated down to 4GB. (there is some on-going work where it is (may be?) possible to make 2 or more partitions on an SDHC card FAT16/FAT32--but this is an advanced subject for you to research). "Bootable" is my preferred way of loading CHDK--Automatically loads CHDK every time the camera is turned on without me doing anything else.3. Long File name support is not possible with Dry OS... 8.3 file names is the limit.4. There is an issue with Dry OS (does not affect VxW???) where the first RAW photo taken since power-on has date/time set to default (like 1/1/05, 00:00:00). If more pictures are taken (without turning off the camera), the rest of the files will have correct date and time stamps.5. Video Compression options: The VxW (Digi II support only?) cameras will support something like 100 different video (& audio?) compression levels. The Digi III chip (and Dry OS) video compression functions are not as well known and not supported at this time.6. Not a Dry OS / VxWorks issue--but different cameras also have different capabilities... One major difference is that (in general?) SD cameras do not have aperature control--but use a Neutral Density filter instead to "stop down" the camera (typically two stops?).Those are the major differences that I am aware of--I am sure I probably missed a few.And, I would not purchase a Canon P&S based on the assumption that it will be supported a few weeks or months from now... Canon does make other changes (like to the A590is loader software) that can stop development in it tracks.If you need CHDK, only get one that has been, at least, partially ported so that you don't get stung with the "... can anyone ports camera Xxxx for me?..." posts.And, once you narrow down to what camera(s) you think you want, use this forum's search for the model number and see what pops up (A720, Axxx, etc.).Hope this helps.-Bill
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