As of now, there only are two main flavors of CHDK:
"CHDK" Build (the mother) and the
SDM (Stereo Data Maker) build (one of the children) by Microfunguy.
CHDK Build is the official CHDK version where all new features are integrated first. You can get these builds at several places:
here here you can get latest autobuilds - the whole deal, because the zips include readmes and lots of additional files
here you can get the latest bleeding edge versions which sometimes are not tested thoroughly and not documented yet (for an overview of the latest implemented features you might get an idea
here you can get official, stable releases (releasenotes often can be found on the main wikia site or the forum)
- you can also build/compile chdk on your own, using whims great tool that can be found
hereSDM can be found
If you are a developer or at least know how to compile on your own, there are a lot of threads with code fragments you can use to change chdk the way you like scattered around this forum. if you really are an experienced coder you can for example try
Dataghosts special build from
regarding the other builds like fingalo, grands original builds and others that can be found in the forum: most of these are outdated and havent been updated in a long time. it is likely that the "allbest" flavour will soon be renamed to just "CHDK".
edit: the old "what firmware should i use" thread can be found
edit: changed the text format a lil