// Stereo pair display test code// Put this after the line #include "motion_detector.h" in main.c// Put stereo_pair(); after histogram_process(); below in main.c#include "gui_draw.h"#define PAIRS_MODE 1#define GRAY_MODE 2#define COLOR_MODE 3static char * imgbuf = 0;static int clip(int v) { if (v<0) v=0; if (v>255) v=255; return v;}static int clips(int v) { if (v<-127) v=-127; if (v>127) v=127; return v;}static void writeDiag(char* string){static char buffer[30]; strcpy(buffer, string); draw_string(10, 10, buffer, conf.osd_color);}//#define STEREO_MODE conf.stereo_mode#define STEREO_MODE PAIRS_MODE// change this to change the modevoid stereo_pair() { int x, y; int ry, yd, ru, rv, vd, lu, lv;static int stereonum = 0; static unsigned char *img; static int viewport_height; static int viewport_width;// screenwidth * 3 static int iw; static int viewport_sizeb; if(!STEREO_MODE) return; img=((mode_get()&MODE_MASK) == MODE_PLAY)?vid_get_viewport_fb_d():((kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF))?vid_get_viewport_fb():vid_get_viewport_live_fb()); if (img==NULL) img = vid_get_viewport_fb(); viewport_width = screen_width * 3; viewport_height = vid_get_viewport_height(); viewport_sizeb = viewport_height * viewport_width; iw = viewport_width / 4; if((mode_get()&MODE_MASK) == MODE_PLAY) { if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF)) { if(imgbuf == 0) imgbuf = malloc(viewport_sizeb); if(stereonum == 0) { if((img[0] == 255) && (img[1] == 254) && (img[2] == 253)) return; if(imgbuf) { if(STEREO_MODE == PAIRS_MODE) { for(y=0;y<viewport_height;y++) { memcpy(imgbuf + y * viewport_width, img + y * viewport_width + iw, viewport_width/2);// for(x = 0; x < viewport_width/2;x++) // imgbuf[y * viewport_width + x] = img[y * viewport_width + iw + x]; } } else memcpy(imgbuf,img, viewport_sizeb); img[0] = 255;// indicate that this has been saved img[1] = 254; img[2] = 253; stereonum = 1; writeDiag("Left image saved"); } return; } if(stereonum == 1) { if(imgbuf) { if((img[0] == 255) && (img[1] == 254) && (img[2] == 253)) return; if(STEREO_MODE == PAIRS_MODE) { for(y=0;y<viewport_height;y++) { memcpy(imgbuf + y * viewport_width + viewport_width/2, img + y * viewport_width + iw, viewport_width/2);// for(x = 0; x < viewport_width/2;x++) // imgbuf[y * viewport_width + viewport_width/2 + x] = img[y * viewport_width + iw + x]; } } stereonum = 2; return; } return; } if(stereonum == 2) { if(STEREO_MODE == PAIRS_MODE) memcpy(img, imgbuf, viewport_sizeb); else if(STEREO_MODE == GRAY_MODE){// grayscale anaglyph (R= leftY, G=rightY, B=rightY) for(x = 0; x < viewport_sizeb; x+=6){ ry = img[x + 1]; yd = ry - imgbuf[x + 1]; img[x + 1] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 1] + 2871 * ry) / 4096;//new y0 img[x] = (signed char)clips((692 * yd)/4096);// new u img[x + 2] = (signed char)clips(-yd/2);// new v img[x + 3] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 3] + 2871 * img[x + 3]) / 4096;//new y1 img[x + 4] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 4] + 2871 * img[x + 4]) / 4096;//new y2 img[x + 5] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 5] + 2871 * img[x + 5]) / 4096;//new y3 } } else{ // color anaglyph (R= leftR, G=rightG, B=rightB) for(x = 0; x < viewport_sizeb; x+=6){ ry = img[x + 1]; yd = ry - imgbuf[x + 1]; ru = (signed char) img[x]; rv = (signed char) img[x + 2]; lu = (signed char) imgbuf[x]; lv = (signed char) imgbuf[x + 2]; vd = rv - lv; img[x] = (signed char)clips(ru + (971 * vd + 692 * yd) / 4096);// new u img[x + 2] = (signed char)clips(-yd/2 + (2871 * lv + 1225 * rv) / 4096);// new v img[x + 1] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 1] + 2871 * ry - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y0 img[x + 3] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 3] + 2871 * img[x + 3] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y1 img[x + 4] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 4] + 2871 * img[x + 4] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y2 img[x + 5] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 5] + 2871 * img[x + 5] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y3 } } img[0] = 255;// indicate that this is stereo img[1] = 254; img[2] = 253; for(y=0;y<screen_height;y++) for(x = 0; x < screen_width;x++) draw_pixel(x,y,0);// clear the screen stereonum = 0; return; } } } return;}//end of stereo pair test code. Put the line stereo_pair(); after the histogram_process(); line below in main.c
//Stereo pair display test code// Put this after the line #include "motion_detector.h" in main.c#include "gui_draw.h"#define PAIRS_MODE 1#define GRAY_MODE 2#define COLOR_MODE 3static char * imgbuf1 = 0;static int clip(int v) { if (v<0) v=0; if (v>255) v=255; return v;}static int clips(int v) { if (v<-127) v=-127; if (v>127) v=127; return v;}static void writeDiag(char* string){static char buffer[30]; strcpy(buffer, string); draw_string(10, 10, buffer, conf.osd_color);}/* in this version the stereo mode is hardwired. In my own version I have it in the conf structure as conf.stereo_mode */#define STEREO_MODE PAIRS_MODEvoid stereo_pair() { int x, y, y1, dx1, dy1; int ry, yd, ru, rv, vd, lu, lv; static unsigned char *img; static char str[15]; static int viewport_height; static int viewport_width;// screenwidth * 3 static int dx = 0, dy = 0; static int stereoStage = 0; static int viewport_sizeb; char *imgp, *imgbufp, *imgbuf1p; if(!STEREO_MODE) return; img=((mode_get()&MODE_MASK) == MODE_PLAY)?vid_get_viewport_fb_d():((kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF))?vid_get_viewport_fb():vid_get_viewport_live_fb()); if (img==NULL) img = vid_get_viewport_fb(); viewport_width = screen_width * 3; viewport_height = vid_get_viewport_height(); viewport_sizeb = viewport_height * viewport_width; if((mode_get()&MODE_MASK) == MODE_PLAY) { if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_SHOOT_HALF)) { if(imgbuf == 0) imgbuf = malloc(viewport_sizeb); if(imgbuf1 == 0) imgbuf1 = malloc(viewport_sizeb); if(!imgbuf || !imgbuf1) { writeDiag("No memory"); return; } if(stereoStage <= 0) { if((img[0] == 255) && (img[1] == 254) && (img[2] == 253)) return; if(imgbuf) { memcpy(imgbuf,img, viewport_sizeb); img[0] = 255;// indicate that this has been saved img[1] = 254; img[2] = 253; stereoStage = 1; writeDiag("Left image saved"); } return; } if(stereoStage == 1) { if(imgbuf) { if((img[0] == 255) && (img[1] == 254) && (img[2] == 253)) return; memcpy(imgbuf1,img, viewport_sizeb); stereoStage = 2; return; } return; } if(stereoStage == 2) { dx = 0; dy = 0; if(STEREO_MODE == PAIRS_MODE) { for(y=0;y<viewport_height;y++) { memcpy(img + y * viewport_width, imgbuf + y * viewport_width + viewport_width/4, viewport_width/2); memcpy(img + y * viewport_width + viewport_width/2, imgbuf1 + y * viewport_width + viewport_width/4, viewport_width/2); } } else if(STEREO_MODE == GRAY_MODE){ for(x = 0; x < viewport_sizeb; x+=6){// grayscale anaglyph (R= leftY, G=rightY, B=rightY) ry = imgbuf1[x + 1]; yd = ry - imgbuf[x + 1]; img[x] = (signed char)clips((692 * yd)/4096);// new u img[x + 1] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 1] + 2871 * ry) / 4096;//new y0 img[x + 2] = (signed char)clips(-yd/2);// new v img[x + 3] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 3] + 2871 * imgbuf1[x + 3]) / 4096;//new y1 img[x + 4] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 4] + 2871 * imgbuf1[x + 4]) / 4096;//new y2 img[x + 5] = (1225 * imgbuf[x + 5] + 2871 * imgbuf1[x + 5]) / 4096;//new y3 } } else{ for(x = 0; x < viewport_sizeb; x+=6){// color anaglyph (R= leftR, G=rightG, B=rightB) ry = imgbuf1[x + 1]; yd = ry - imgbuf[x + 1]; ru = (signed char) imgbuf1[x]; rv = (signed char) imgbuf1[x + 2]; lu = (signed char) imgbuf[x]; lv = (signed char) imgbuf[x + 2]; vd = rv - lv; img[x] = (signed char)clips(ru + (971 * vd + 692 * yd) / 4096);// new u img[x + 2] = (signed char)clips(-yd/2 + (2871 * lv + 1225 * rv) / 4096);// new v img[x + 1] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 1] + 2871 * ry - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y0 img[x + 3] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 3] + 2871 * imgbuf1[x + 3] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y1 img[x + 4] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 4] + 2871 * imgbuf1[x + 4] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y2 img[x + 5] = clip((1225 * imgbuf[x + 5] + 2871 * imgbuf1[x + 5] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y3 } } img[0] = 255;// indicate that this is stereo img[1] = 254; img[2] = 253; for(y=0;y<screen_height;y++) for(x = 0; x < screen_width;x++) draw_pixel(x,y,0);// clear the screen stereoStage = -1; return; } } else { if((img[0] != 255) || (img[1] != 254) || (img[2] != 253)) return; if((stereoStage >= 0) || (gui_get_mode() != GUI_MODE_ALT)) return; dx1 = dx; dy1 = dy; if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_RIGHT)) { dx = dx - 6; } if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_LEFT)) { dx = dx + 6; } if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_DOWN)) { dy = dy - 1; } if (kbd_is_key_pressed(KEY_UP)) { dy = dy + 1; } if((dy1 == dy) && (dx1 == dx)) return; if(STEREO_MODE == PAIRS_MODE) { for(y=0;y<viewport_height;y++) { memcpy(img + y * viewport_width, imgbuf + y * viewport_width + viewport_width/4 + dx, viewport_width/2); y1 = y + dy; if((y1 < 0) || (y1 >= viewport_height)) continue; memcpy(img + y * viewport_width + viewport_width/2, imgbuf1 + y1 * viewport_width + viewport_width/4 + dx, viewport_width/2); } } else if(STEREO_MODE == GRAY_MODE){ for(y=0;y<viewport_height;y++) { y1 = y + dy; if((y1 < 0) || (y1 >= viewport_height)) continue; if((dx < 0) && (y1 == 0)) continue; if((dx > 0) && (y1 == viewport_height-1)) continue; imgp = img + y * viewport_width; imgbufp = imgbuf + y * viewport_width; imgbuf1p = imgbuf1 + y1 * viewport_width; for(x = 0; x < viewport_width; x+=6){// grayscale anaglyph (R= leftY, G=rightY, B=rightY) ry = imgbuf1p[dx + x + 1]; yd = ry - imgbufp[x + 1]; imgp[x] = (signed char)clips((692 * yd)/4096);// new u imgp[x + 1] = (1225 * imgbufp[x + 1] + 2871 * ry) / 4096;//new y0 imgp[x + 2] = (signed char)clips(-yd/2);// new v imgp[x + 3] = (1225 * imgbufp[x + 3] + 2871 * imgbuf1p[dx + x + 3]) / 4096;//new y1 imgp[x + 4] = (1225 * imgbufp[x + 4] + 2871 * imgbuf1p[dx + x + 4]) / 4096;//new y2 imgp[x + 5] = (1225 * imgbufp[x + 5] + 2871 * imgbuf1p[dx + x + 5]) / 4096;//new y3 } } } else{ for(y=0;y<viewport_height;y++) { y1 = y + dy; if((y1 < 0) || (y1 >= viewport_height)) continue; if((dx < 0) && (y1 == 0)) continue; if((dx > 0) && (y1 == viewport_height-1)) continue; imgp = img + y * viewport_width; imgbufp = imgbuf + y * viewport_width;//left imgbuf1p = imgbuf1 + y1 * viewport_width;// right, shifting is done here for(x = 0; x < viewport_width; x+=6){// color anaglyph (R= leftR, G=rightG, B=rightB) ru = (signed char) imgbuf1p[dx + x]; ry = imgbuf1p[dx + x + 1]; rv = (signed char) imgbuf1p[dx + x + 2]; lu = (signed char) imgbufp[x]; yd = ry - imgbufp[x + 1]; lv = (signed char) imgbufp[x + 2]; vd = rv - lv; imgp[x] = (signed char)clips(ru + (971 * vd + 692 * yd) / 4096);// new u imgp[x + 1] = clip((1225 * imgbuf1p[dx + x + 1] + 2871 * ry - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y0 imgp[x + 2] = (signed char)clips(-yd/2 + (2871 * lv + 1225 * rv) / 4096);// new v imgp[x + 3] = clip((1225 * imgbufp[x + 3] + 2871 * imgbuf1p[dx + x + 3] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y1 imgp[x + 4] = clip((1225 * imgbufp[x + 4] + 2871 * imgbuf1p[dx + x + 4] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y2 imgp[x + 5] = clip((1225 * imgbufp[x + 5] + 2871 * imgbuf1p[dx + x + 5] - 1712 * vd) / 4096);//new y3 } } } img[0] = 255;// indicate that this is stereo img[1] = 254; img[2] = 253; for(y=0;y<screen_height;y++) for(x = 0; x < screen_width;x++) draw_pixel(x,y,0);// clear the screen sprintf(str, "dx:%2d dy:%2d", dx/6,dy); str[11]=0; draw_string(0, 0, str, conf.osd_color); } } return;}//end of stereo pair test code. Put the line stereo_pair(); after the histogram_process(); line below in main.c
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