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Helping Get CHDK More Popular

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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #20 on: 05 / June / 2008, 18:30:07 »
No. Not everybody uses it. A lot of people still use IE, since it ships with Windows and recently got functionality that rivals Firefox for the simple user. I use Opera and I'm certainly not the only one. Then there's still Safari, Konqueror, etc. You probably didn't hear of a lot of software but that doesn't mean 'everyone' uses what you use.
Course I heard of all of them. However, all the ppl I work with use Firefox as their main browser, and most of them are computer illiterate. Maybe its just my skool and friends, but Firefox has taken over the browser world :)

Anyway, why do you keep insisting on separate hosting? It works fine the way it is now and frankly, to get CHDK I don't need to wait anywhere. I can either just checkout the source or download a binary from GrAnd. I do agree that the zshare 1-minute wait is annoying, but it's only that. It's not like you need to use it several times a day.. and it's just one minute. If we really need a place to host stuff, there's GrAnd's hosting, I have 4GB at my university, acseven might be able to help... enough possibilities here. Again, putting it all in one package can only cause trouble, especially if you don't want to spend any money on it. This project may be free but webhosters want to earn money regardless of what you're hosting. (Also, it might be useful to notice that all "Unlimited bandwidth/storage" packages are cheap, whereas business/enterprise hosting with SLAs etc is expensive. There are no expensive "unlimited" packages, because nobody wants to guarantee unlimited use. Really, don't try to move big projects to ultra-cheap hosting.)
I don't insist on separate hosting. I gave up that idea a while back. But it would be nice to have a dedicated place to put my script for packaging build w/CardTricks, a "Newbie Site" basically :)

As for 'n00bs'... why do they *need* CHDK? I don't think anyone would install CHDK 'for the fun of it', to do nothing useful with it. My opinion: if someone feels that he/she 'needs' it, he/she will have to put some effort into it. Why else would you consider yourself a power-user?
Cuz CHDK is so kool and I think everybody should MUST have it. It lets even newbies have some features that they could use (battery indicator, etc). And I know lots of ppl who love cams but are clueless in comps. Anyways, I think everybody should have an easy way to get CHDK, and that is what I plan to accomplish.

Properly reading the FAQ/manual is the key to actually understanding what CHDK does and why it does things... and it limits the chances of user error. People already spent a lot of time in writing documentation. Sure, it can be shortened in some cases, but this should definitely not be done to generalize 'for all models'. As you've proven in your small tutorial/video, you easily miss things, especially if you don't look at it from the developer's point of view.
People would rather watch a vid than read a documentation. When I looked at the FAQ the first time I was "Oh God, how am I supposed to read all of this!" And as for missing stuff easily, that's why we have a community, to point out mistakes of others, and make stuff better. That's the only way to make a perfect tutorial/video.

I personally think the documentation is quite understandable and should allow anyone to install CHDK on his own in under an hour. People tend to rush into things, half an hour isn't 'too long'. Everyone should take the time to read what they're actually doing, because some actions can destroy data if you're not careful enough.
Under an hour is the key word. Most people won't spend more than 5 minutes on this unless you get them interested. We need to give them a quick "push" in the right direction. Then once they install CHDK, start seeing the features, they can read documentation, etc. Tell me, out of all the people you know, how many have actually read the documentation to their camera? I know for a fact that less than 5% of my friends have ever gone near it :P

Helping people in chat or whatever: if you've done that for a while or lurked in a helpdesk-type channel, you'll notice that most of the questions are actually already answered in the FAQ. You'd have to repeat the FAQ because someone is apparently too lazy to read it. That doesn't work for me. It makes people lazy and it encourages rushing through the installation process. Not only with CHDK, but they'll expect the same level of support and step-by-step live-chat help from other projects as well. The instructions are simple enough and if you can't understand them, you should probably not be using CHDK, you're bound to run into other problems. Famous quote: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Ok...might not work for you, so you just don't go into the helpdesk chatroom. I will handle it. Also this is needed in order to build a FAQ of problems which users actually have rather than problems devs might think they have. Computer-literate people assume that everybody knows what they're talking about (I know I do :D). That's why we need real-people experience. A helpdesk chatroom is exactly that. I will be in there whenever I can answering stupid questions. No work on your (or anybody else's) part unless they want to. I just ask to put CHDK Chat in an easy to see place.
About repeating FAQ, I don't necessarily have to repeat it, I can write a script that would repeat it for me :). Then ppl just add keywords, and links to FAQ. Anyways, even if I have to repeat a lot, it would make me learn more about CHDK.

What may be done, though, is *restructuring* the FAQ, instructions and maybe the wiki... and a cleanup. A lot of pages are semi-outdated and information is scattered around a bit. It'd probably be a big help for 'newbies' if they didn't have to put much effort into searching (although that might also be a bad thing). Another result of the somewhat scattered state of the wiki is that people (like you) start creating new guides which are.... heh... essentially in the FAQ already.
Another reason we need a helpdesk. To see how newbies approach installing CHDK. Then we restructure the wiki to that standard. Also, the difference between my guide and FAQ guide is that:
a) People need to know what FAQ is
b) People need to know to look in FAQ
c) People have to search for it in the FAQ

As for my guide, there is (was) a link to it on the front page. It pointed straight to there. The directions are meant for anybody to understand.

Last but not least, when making big changes to the wiki (i.e. a front-page link to a tutorial or whatever), get it reviewed by someone before actually linking to it, potentially causing some people to do bad things. It's very easy to miss errors/omissions in things you made yourself and peer-review is a very good tool to getting a correct article.
OK. No problem :) So can you please link Chat/How To on the front page?
« Last Edit: 05 / June / 2008, 18:51:31 by adcz »
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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #21 on: 05 / June / 2008, 18:33:23 »
To Won-tolla:
Call me hippie, but organic growth communities only work when they are small.

hippie :P
So how do communities such as Firefox, MediaWiki, Wikipedia, smf, openoffice, etc grow?

Edit: Woops! Sorry for double post. Didn't notice.

To: Fe50
So have much fun with that 24/7 !
(OK - would be no problem for you - you also can do that in ~ 10 foreign languages...)
More like 5/5 (maybe 5/6), and only in English/Russian :). If ppl come in another time/language there might be other "volunteers" to cover for me. Otherwise, too bad for them :P

It'll become yours AND ours faster you can say "shxx happens !"

...Canon's legal department, Canon's barristers, Canon's modifications for the upcoming camera generation (btw. - seems we have this reaction already on the new encrypted Canon firmwares)...

Let sleepin' dogs lie, they'll bite you !

Prosit  :-X
Mmmm...I suppose...but I would imagine Canon would gain $ from ppl using CHDK. CHDK got me to buy a Canon rather than a Kodak. I think if we (me, a few good writers, a few devs, and some people people :P) wrote a nice letter to Canon, explaining everything, and the advantages they would have in fully supporting us, it would solve a whole bunch of issues.

Besides, at this rate, CHDK will become "big" sooner or later. Keeping it away from n00bs is just patching the problem...CHDK (and in general camera-programming) is the future of cameras, and it's coming, whether Canon likes it or not. If they become part of it, they will have a big advantage over other brands...for a while. (well they kinda are ahead of other brands already, but this way they'll be more ahead :D)
« Last Edit: 05 / June / 2008, 18:41:39 by adcz »
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #22 on: 05 / June / 2008, 18:44:44 »
Cuz CHDK is so kool and I think everybody should have it

It seems to me that you rather think
"Cuz CHDK is so kool and I think everybody should MUST have it."


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #23 on: 05 / June / 2008, 18:50:10 »
Cuz CHDK is so kool and I think everybody should have it

It seems to me that you rather think
"Cuz CHDK is so kool and I think everybody should MUST have it."

That's right. Everybody MUST have it. In fact it should come with Canon cameras :)
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #24 on: 05 / June / 2008, 18:57:52 »
I think if we (me, a few good writers, a few devs, and some people people Tongue) wrote a nice letter to Canon, explaining everything, and the advantages they would have in fully supporting us, it would solve a whole bunch of issues.

Sorry, but IMO this is extremly quixotic and blue-eyed...

I GIVE UP - Now it's time for me to do some meaningfull WORK, enough babbled.
 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #25 on: 05 / June / 2008, 19:13:45 »
Course I heard of all of them. However, all the ppl I work with use Firefox as their main browser, and most of them are computer illiterate. Maybe its just my skool and friends, but Firefox has taken over the browser world :)
According to the last W3C statistics, though potentially slightly inaccurate, IE has a combined 54.8% whereas Firefox has 39.1%. As I said, especially 'newbies' will be using IE, even if many of your friends use Firefox.

Cuz CHDK is so kool and I think everybody should have it. It lets even newbies have some features that they could use (battery indicator, etc). And I know lots of ppl who love cams but are clueless in comps. Anyways, I think everybody should have an easy way to get CHDK, and that is what I plan to accomplish.
Battery indicator, "etc". What etcetera? The battery indicator may be the only useful feature, though I doubt many people actually miss it. Maybe on the S5, where it's slightly late... but it's still not that accurate and it's semi-hard to calculate the actual battery capacity from the current voltage only. The defaults often require recalibration because the values and curves are different for each (battery) model/type. I think CHDK is overkill for just that, but that's me.

People would rather watch a vid than read a documentation. When I looked at the FAQ the first time I was "Oh God, how am I supposed to read all of this!" And as for missing stuff easily, that's why we have a community, to point out mistakes of others, and make stuff better. That's the only way to make a perfect tutorial/video.
Yes, of course it's nice to watch a video. Thing is, it's harder to navigate back/forth through a video than through written instructions, in case you missed something or can skip a step or whatever. Actually reading and having to understand the written text helps people learn what's going on and actually think about what they're doing before blindly executing whatever someone says. Especially things like "click this, then that and that", not mentioning what the "this", "that" and "that" are supposed to do, may cause confusion and is bound to cause a problem somewhere if someone doesn't get the specific windows/buttons you're referring to... and might break the entire rest of your tutorial because the users don't know what's supposed to happen.

Under an hour is the key word. Most people won't spend more than 5 minutes on this unless you get them interested. We need to give them a quick "push" in the right direction. Then once they install CHDK, start seeing the features, they can read documentation, etc. Tell me, out of all the people you know, how many have actually read the documentation to their camera? I know for a fact that less than 5% of my friends have ever gone near it :P
What if they first read about the features and then looked at installing it? Given the variety of cameras, firmwares, cards and other possible factors, it's not a good idea to generalize everything into a 5-minute tutorial. Also, I agree that camera documentation is often not read. Maybe that's also why the specific camera type CHDK is currently targeting is called "point and shoot". You just unpack it once so there's no need to put that in the name... but generally they're made so simple that anyone can operate it without much prior knowledge, albeit not using the full functionality. The main difference about cameras and CHDK is that the only things you have to do with a camera are inserting the batteries and a memory card... and then turning it on. The things you stuff in there either fit or don't and if they do, it'll work. CHDK doesn't work that way because a lot of things fit and might not work. The features it adds do require reading some documentation, unless you're a somewhat experienced photographer. I have yet to meet the first complete newbie to explain to me what the diaphragm is and how to operate it, without reading the manual (or documentation on the concept of a diaphragm).

Ok...might not work for you, so you just don't go into the helpdesk chatroom. I will handle it. Also this is needed in order to build a FAQ of problems which users actually have rather than problems devs might think they have. Computer-literate people assume that everybody knows what they're talking about (I know I do :D). That's why we need real-people experience. A helpdesk chatroom is exactly that. I will be in there whenever I can answering stupid questions. No work on your (or anybody else's) part unless they want to. I just ask to put CHDK Chat in an easy to see place.
CHDK isn't food, you won't die without it. If anyone has a problem, he/she can use the forum if it's not been addressed before or even in the FAQ. That's how a FAQ is usually composed or expanded. Seriously, I don't see any need for a chat room other than serving the impatient. Another downside is that everything answered in the chat will not show up on the forums or wiki unless someone actually takes the time to address it. If your counter-argument is 'chat logs'... well, that'll just be another thing for people to search through, which they probably won't.
If you still want to go ahead with it, fine... but please figure out yourself how to advertise it anywhere. Oh, and keep in mind that I don't have any more wiki-editing rights than you... so if you can't do it, I can't either.

Another reason we need a helpdesk. To see how newbies approach installing CHDK. Then we restructure the wiki to that standard. Also, the difference between my guide and FAQ guide is that:
a) People need to know what FAQ is
b) People need to know to look in FAQ
c) People have to search for it in the FAQ
No, that's a reason why the wiki needs to be restructured. Don't solve a problem by bypassing the potential usefulness and 'restructuring' it every time someone asks about it. People should know what a FAQ is, but even if they don't, the wiki states 'Instructions' as alternative name. Should be clear enough. Looking in and searching the FAQ are basic things which everyone should be capable of.
Quote from: CHDK wiki main page
The basics: how to install and use the CHDK firmware
CHDK In Brief - What is CHDK? How do I get started?
FAQ / Instructions - Lots of good stuff here. (Installation Instruction,Supported Camera Models,Troubleshooting etc.)
Firmware Usage - The main CHDK Manual, explaining all the original features.
Allbest Firmware Usage - The new Allbest CHDK builds required a whole new page added to explain the vast array of new features. This is the HELP section. (a work in progress, please help!)
Looks clear enough to me, especially once those four (maybe three) pages have been looked at and cleaned up. I don't see why anyone would miss this information. Maybe another possible addition to the FAQ is a 'general outline of the installation process' at the top, so everyone knows which steps to go through before having to read the rest of the FAQ, where they are explained in-depth. Maybe it's even possible to move these instructions to a separate page... anything is possible.

Mmmm...I suppose...but I would imagine Canon would gain $ from ppl using CHDK. CHDK got me to buy a Canon rather than a Kodak. I think if we (me, a few good writers, a few devs, and some people people :P ) wrote a nice letter to Canon, explaining everything, and the advantages they would have in fully supporting us, it would solve a whole bunch of issues.
Asking Canon to release their source code please read that thread. This has been discussed before. Maybe you also missed the fact that CHDK mainly exists because of the intentional restrictions Canon put on their cheap camera models (i.e. several years ago, Powershot series would shoot RAW if requested) to make more money on the more expensive DSLR range. Especially the hybrid/prosumer line competes with the DSLRs in some areas and they'd rather we buy a DSLR instead of postponing that until we really hit the hardware barriers. If they're going to support us at all, it'll mostly not be advantageous to them. While we are still small, they can reap the benefits (us thinking of new features), so the potential loss of revenue makes up for slightly less spending on R&D.


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #26 on: 05 / June / 2008, 19:17:44 »
Sorry, but IMO this is extremly quixotic and blue-eyed...

I GIVE UP - Now it's time for me to do some meaningfull WORK, enough babbled.
 :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X  :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X

Well ok...I disagree...but your choice. By the way, thanks for teaching me new word quixotic. Would help next year on SATs! Also, what does blue-eyed mean?
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #27 on: 05 / June / 2008, 19:53:48 »
« Last Edit: 05 / June / 2008, 20:36:57 by adcz »
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P

Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #28 on: 06 / June / 2008, 06:52:37 »

What the #%$& is your PROBLEM?!
:blink: :blink:

Everyone is telling you to leave it alone. You're a nooby, trying to reinvent chdk and the way it's laid out, and you're NOT HELPING!

These guys are all being really nice about it, but personally, you're really starting to pi$$ me off! What's wrong with you? You voiced your opinion(s) like a dozen times now, and the basic, inarguably unanimous consensus is that you are generally disagreed with. Your actual useful input to chdk REALLY, REALLY doesn't afford you the volume of wasted forum space you've used to continue to spout out your big plans for something that you haven't even contributed to.

That goes for your new "idol" who thought pestering Canon for their source code was a great idea, too. In fact, I was just gonna keep my own yap shut on this till I read that you agree with him!
Niether one of you have done a thing here, yet you're eager to tell everyone all the improvements that could be made. That's not helpful. AT ALL. And neither one of you are using your head regarding the legalities and proprietorship involved with CANON'S (as in, THEY ALREADY &(+#&%^$& OWN IT, BRO!) code.
-Yes, yes, love, daisy chains and open source for everyone... -NOT!  Use your head. Canon is a corporation who doesn't give a rat's @$$ about you or me. You really think they don't have a few employees who work on things like code and production? You really think they NEED the help of CHDK to make their cameras all sing and dance?
-Or is it more likely that Canon knows what it's doing by marketing virtually identical P&S cameras all with different external designs and features?
That's not opinion. It's common sense!!! ::) People like you can get things like chdk shut down. (Are you from Canon?! ???)
Put your time in before you go trying to rally up a revolution. I asked you before, as others have; If you want to contribute, stop wasting all this effort and energy and channel it into rewriting or restructuring the wiki.

Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #29 on: 06 / June / 2008, 08:20:01 »
[bright red, over the top, bold, needlessly large font]Edit:[/all that]I read all of it. Ironically, it inspired me that writing to Canon was a good id. That RaduP guy is my new role model. He is just like me, except smarter, and knows assembly, and can come up with great points. Anyways, I DataGhost, I got the impression that you somewhat supported writing to Canon (at least later on in the thread).
The you probably either did not understand my post or did not understand the terminology used.

I don't think boycotting would be wise, but I think that it is best for Canon to give out the firmware.
Why would releasing the firmware be a good idea when their P&S business model largely depends on them building several series of cameras with identical, cheap hardware and slightly different (feature-wise) firmware in order to produce 'different' cameras which can be sold for much more money than they actually cost?

First off, as noted in the thread, it is extremely simple to reverse-engineer for huge competing companies (like Nikon say...) If they really wanted to get Canon's firmware, believe me, they would find a way. If small hackers like the ones in the CHDK community were able to do it with virtually no money, imagine what Nikon would be able to do with a team of trained Harvard/Yale graduates with 6 digit salaries would be able to do.
I think you don't have your facts straight. Have you ever looked at a disassembly? Have you ever looked at C code? Notice any similarities in them? I sure don't, except some vague datastructure-related ones when I actually have a clue what the assembly means. Converting assembly back into readable, understandable source code is impossible to start off with... and you won't see any neat variable names, constants and comments. We have to do an insane amount of 'trying' to see what a specific function actually does. If it were simple to do, CHDK would have a much tighter integration with the original Canon menus.
Now, just for the fun of it... let's imagine Nikon has a team of trained overpaid graduates... even better: let's assume I'm one of them. What would I do... hmmm... I'd suggest building our own firmware instead of reading assembly. Granted, we'd likely figure everything out from the disassembly and use the same algorithms Canon uses... in their cameras 5 generations ago.

Next, as RaduP said:
1. CHDK breaks no law (not even DMCA) - they can't do anything against us. As long as we keep the fimware on a secure server accessible only to Devs (or ppl who sign an agreement not to disclose anything that goes on in there, and swears that they do not work for Canon) they have no proof against us. We are just a bunch of people randomly putting information on our memory cards, and extra features "happen" to pop up. :D Then again saying this would leave me open for the "writing to them would give them a written record" whether that was a wise decision in my place to post that...
If you have no idea how to implement something and take a look at code from someone else, you're immediately influenced and are likely to write nearly identical code. Even if you try to obfuscate your stuff, certain software exists (also used in universities) to compare code style/algorithms and tell you whether or not a piece of code was copied or influenced by another. That effectively means that having the firmware and having signed an NDA disqualifies those people from ever working on CHDK again. It also means that having the firmware is useless.
As for the 'random data' thing: That doesn't work in piracy lawsuits either. It takes but one slightly experienced mathematician to point out that the argument is statistically impossible.

2. That will be a lot of bad publicity for them. I for one would not hesitate to boycott them if they do such a stupid thing. - Ok...maybe not boycott (I can't live without my Canon  :'(), but still if we petition against them, and they refuse, it would raise up a lot of controversy, which would hurt Canon.
From your point of view, yes. I'd like to point out that the CHDK community is extremely small and will likely generate virtually no publicity at all. About the controversy... can you blame a company for keeping the thing that generates their revenue a secret? Not many people will understand your point of view -> not much controversy.

3. They indirectly benefit from it. More sold P&S cameras. - EXACTLY! That is the main point. As I said before, I bought my Canon because I could run CHDK on it. Shutting down CHDK = losing customers. Also as I said before, Camera hacking is the future of cameras. If they reject it, they fall behind.
Uhhhh... no. As I said, the CHDK community is extremely small... A boycot from us would be like a mosquito bite... you don't feel it when it happens, a couple of hours later there's a slight itch and after a day or two it's gone and you completely forgot about it.

Finally, as I said before, not contacting Canon is just avoiding the problem. It's coming sooner or later. More people will find out about CHDK...much much more...As you can see from forum stats:

CHDK will get popular sooner or later, and Canon will be forced to make a choice. It's better that they make the choice now
They don't have to do anything, not even with these numbers. Even better: they already offer most of the features CHDK adds. Have a look at their DSLR line of cameras and/or the accessories available. Why do you think they'll be forced to make a choice?
Also keep in mind that the increased number of pageviews is also due to people opening more topics and posts and therefore i.e. Google having to index more pages.


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