Helping Get CHDK More Popular - page 4 - General Chat - CHDK Forum

Helping Get CHDK More Popular

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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #30 on: 06 / June / 2008, 15:28:39 »
Alight...I suppose it is time to drop the topic. I guess we'll just never come to a consensus regarding this. I have my opinion you have yours. I guess we will see who's opinion was right in a year (or two or three).

To Pyschokitty: I really thought you were better than that. I think your post was completely unnecessary (not to mention extremely rude). You could have said the same thing in a much nicer way, without 20-point red curses. If you don't like this discussion, nobody is asking you to join in. We are just exchanging our ideas.


What the #%$& is your PROBLEM?!
:blink: :blink:

Everyone is telling you to leave it alone. You're a nooby, trying to reinvent chdk and the way it's laid out, and you're NOT HELPING!

These guys are all being really nice about it, but personally, you're really starting to pi$$ me off! What's wrong with you? You voiced your opinion(s) like a dozen times now, and the basic, inarguably unanimous consensus is that you are generally disagreed with. Your actual useful input to chdk REALLY, REALLY doesn't afford you the volume of wasted forum space you've used to continue to spout out your big plans for something that you haven't even contributed to.

That goes for your new "idol" who thought pestering Canon for their source code was a great idea, too. In fact, I was just gonna keep my own yap shut on this till I read that you agree with him!
Niether one of you have done a thing here, yet you're eager to tell everyone all the improvements that could be made. That's not helpful. AT ALL. And neither one of you are using your head regarding the legalities and proprietorship involved with CANON'S (as in, THEY ALREADY &(+#&%^$& OWN IT, BRO!) code.
-Yes, yes, love, daisy chains and open source for everyone... -NOT!  Use your head. Canon is a corporation who doesn't give a rat's @$$ about you or me. You really think they don't have a few employees who work on things like code and production? You really think they NEED the help of CHDK to make their cameras all sing and dance?
-Or is it more likely that Canon knows what it's doing by marketing virtually identical P&S cameras all with different external designs and features?
That's not opinion. It's common sense!!! ::) People like you can get things like chdk shut down. (Are you from Canon?! ???)
Put your time in before you go trying to rally up a revolution. I asked you before, as others have; If you want to contribute, stop wasting all this effort and energy and channel it into rewriting or restructuring the wiki.

Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #31 on: 06 / June / 2008, 20:24:24 »
Quote from: adcz

To Pyschokitty: I really thought you were better than that. I think your post was completely unnecessary (not to mention extremely rude). You could have said the same thing in a much nicer way, without 20-point red curses. If you don't like this discussion, nobody is asking you to join in. We are just exchanging our ideas.
Well that's fine because I think that about the last 50 of your posts were completely unnecessary. You don't seem to be "exchanging" any ideas what so ever.
You think I alone gave you 24 "smites"?
My buddy used to have a saying; when everyone at the bar says you're drunk, you're pro'bly drunk.

...Well guess what?
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #32 on: 06 / June / 2008, 21:50:59 »
first of all...the thread is not even that long. Second of all...DataGhost was still talking. We were having a conversation. I was saying my point, he was saying his. Whoever smited me for that should mind their own business. Smiting for an opinion is not the purpose of the smite button. If you think my opinion is wrong, either you don't respond, respond with a nice explanation, or pm me a nice explanation. Yelling at me with no objective reason is not the way to go Kitty. Anyways, I think you overreacted. A lot. Over practically nothing

Quote from: adcz

To Pyschokitty: I really thought you were better than that. I think your post was completely unnecessary (not to mention extremely rude). You could have said the same thing in a much nicer way, without 20-point red curses. If you don't like this discussion, nobody is asking you to join in. We are just exchanging our ideas.
Well that's fine because I think that about the last 50 of your posts were completely unnecessary. You don't seem to be "exchanging" any ideas what so ever.
You think I alone gave you 24 "smites"?
My buddy used to have a saying; when everyone at the bar says you're drunk, you're pro'bly drunk.

...Well guess what?
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #33 on: 07 / June / 2008, 15:30:54 »
yeah, psychokitty stepped over the line there. without a doubt. please psychokitty, no need for foul language and such rude behaviour.
he has made some valid points though.
this is a huge thread, with huge posts. please don't quote the FULL posts (if they are huge), only the valid sentences or abbreviate them with "..." somewhere in the middle to cut down on the size here.
you may call it a discussion, i call it "david vs. the goliath", as in goliath represented by the core forum members who know ALOT, not only about CHDK itself, but about the whole ordeal of opensource and the likes and david is you. in history (well, more like "in the story"), david wins, but in reality often a david loses against a goliath. speaking like this, chdk is david and canon is goliath as well.


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #34 on: 07 / June / 2008, 15:46:14 »
this is a huge thread, with huge posts. please don't quote the FULL posts (if they are huge), only the valid sentences or abbreviate them with "..." somewhere in the middle to cut down on the size here.
Alrighty :)
you may call it a discussion, i call it "david vs. the goliath", as in goliath represented by the core forum members who know ALOT, not only about CHDK itself, but about the whole ordeal of opensource and the likes and david is you.
Well of course they know more bout CHDK and open source (I can't even code C :D). However, it seems (to me at least) that they might be using the wrong approach. I could either:
a) Leave it alone. Then later on, if I end up owning a company/head of open source software, etc. I will have a choice to make - to email Canon (or whoever) or not to email Canon. Since I never heard any reasons not too, I will, and my company/open source software will get shut down.
b) Talk it out. Get a few smites. Get on a few people's nerves. But learn some reasons why it won't work (and why other stuff such as reverse engineering, etc. is not as easy as it sounds). Then later on, in my company or whatever, I will be faced with the same choice, remember this long conversation, and think twice. That would save me a lot of trouble in the future.
I choose to go with alternative b a lot in life, not just in the software sense. It gets me in to trouble, makes me lose a lot of friends, annoys a ton of people, however I learn, and don't make mistakes that I could avoid by just discussing them beforehand.
It is not quite like a david/goliath situation. I can't really get killed. The worst that can happen to me is that a bunch of angry coders will rally up and get acseven to ban me (of course that wouldn't be too nice, of fair, since I didn't do anything against the rules), but it's not as bad as what can happen in the david/goliath situation. Now in the future, when I own a company, my career is at stake. THAT is the david/goliath situation. One bad decision can ruin me for life.

Edit: oh Sweet! My 100th post!!! Yay for me (throws confetti in the air!) Full Member :P Ooh and I got another +1 karma (not even counting my - now :()
« Last Edit: 07 / June / 2008, 15:48:10 by adcz »
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #35 on: 07 / June / 2008, 21:15:55 »
Yeah great. You're a "full member" simply because you post every day about stuff that everyone has already told you how they feel about.

I'm not about to apologize for having being brought to the breaking point. Smites and all, I don't care. You're not a contributing member. You're a "director wannabe" who has no interest in actually doing any of the actual work that's already been laid out by the likes of PhyrePhox and others.
CHDK needs people to do this work, not more people to decide what work needs to be done. So who are you to come in here and start a slew of threads on nothing but how to improve something that everyone is quite happy with as it is, without offering to do any of the needed work? Who are you to RE-insist that approaching Canon for their source code with a stupid thread of boycott after the topic has already been beaten to death?

And you guys say that I  was "over the top"!

PhyrePhox, I'm sorry you think I stepped over the line (and probably smited me, as well), but only because you're a moderator, and I know full well how this forum works as far as that. I'll be smited now just because I've been smited. That's how it works around here. Once people see you've been smited a bit, they tend just to smite you for no reason. (Like how on earth did someone as nice as you are to everyone get smited?![/i] See my point?)

With some people, "nice talk" isn't enough. They'll just keep going on and on and on, asserting themselves all the while, and apparently believing that so long as they exhaust everyone else and they are the last one left standing after they've beaten the topic into the ground, they're automatically correct. Some people simply don't get it and need to be told that enough is enough, already.
If no one else will do it, then I will, and if that makes me CHDK's "forum bad guy", to be bombarded with "smites" to my "karma", then so be it. But someone had to set this guy straight.

Great. Smite me again. But I'm not simply going to take it on the chin.
And BTW, I didn't actually use "foul language". If you're privy to such language in which you could fill in the blanks and assume as such, that's not my fault.
-A bit like me suggesting that you think of the worst word that you know, and then blaming me for posting foul language. ::)
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #36 on: 07 / June / 2008, 21:40:06 »
Yeah great. You're a "full member" simply because you post every day about stuff that everyone has already told you how they feel about.
Not just that...I also post about other things, work on Sourceforge...not like this thread is my life :P

I'm not about to apologize for having being brought to the breaking point. Smites and all, I don't care.
Ok, fine don't apologize. I won't take any offense to it. You just have a low breaking point :P. However, the faster we can get this whole thing behind us, the better.

You're not a contributing member. You're a "director wannabe" who has no interest in actually doing any of the actual work that's already been laid out by the likes of PhyrePhox and others.
OK...I agree I am a direct wannabe. It's in my nature. Just like it's your nature to have a low breaking point, it's my nature to want to control. However it is not necessarily a bad thing. Some good can come from it too.
Next, I do "actual work". Example, working to make the site easy for the n00bs. I think that IS actual work. Making it easy for n00bs to download, install, and use CHDK is the most important job there is by my opinion.
I might not live up to your standards of what a "contributing member" must do, but I do my best! I work with the skills I have to make CHDK as good as it can be. I actually care about this project. Why else would I spend hours of my time, which I could be outside, enjoying the features of CHDK, typing away on this forum, trying to make it better.

CHDK needs people to do this work, not more people to decide what work needs to be done. So who are you to come in here and start a slew of threads on nothing but how to improve something that everyone is quite happy with as it is, without offering to do any of the needed work? Who are you to RE-insist that approaching Canon for their source code with a stupid thread of boycott after the topic has already been beaten to death?
I think that giving ideas is a good thing...You never know, maybe 1/10 of those ideas will be a success. Even for that, I think I should suggest all 10 ideas.
OK..ok...I said I would stop talking about it. As I said before, I have my opinion, you have yours.. We don't need to discuss it.

And you guys say that I  was "over the top"!

PhyrePhox, I'm sorry you think I stepped over the line (and probably smited me, as well), but only because you're a moderator, and I know full well how this forum works as far as that.
First Kitty, you did overreact (by my opinion). I was not saying anything to hurt you in the thread. And then you come out with all that offensive language. Again, that's your nature, I don't blame you.

I'll be smited now just because I've been smited. That's how it works around here. Once people see you've been smited a bit, they tend just to smite you for no reason. (Like how on earth did someone as nice as you are to everyone get smited?![/i] See my point?)
Tell me about it. I feel the same way. Overnight, I went from 12 smites to 24 O.o. Another thing I don't get. What's the point of the smite feature if you are not telling the person why you are smiting him...Kinda pointless.

With some people, "nice talk" isn't enough. They'll just keep going on and on and on, asserting themselves all the while, and apparently believing that so long as they exhaust everyone else and they are the last one left standing after they've beaten the topic into the ground, they're automatically correct. Some people simply don't get it and need to be told that enough is enough, already.
Ok...some people are like that. I am not that kind of person. I am a debater though. That is MY nature. I think, if there are still reasons left, I should post them. If you had told me nicely, to stop talking about it, that it has been talked about, listed your reasons, I probably would have stopped. Then I would have a relatively good smite count, you wouldn't have your smites, we would not be having this conversation, and we would be as friendly with one another as that day when I PMed you asked what you avatar meant.

If you want, we can start over. I am not going to hold what you said to me in this thread against you. Forget this thread ever happened. And next time, when I start talking about these topics which you disagree about, just send me a message, PM me. I really don't like to be in this kind of situation with people, whether I am right or wrong.

If no one else will do it, then I will, and if that makes me CHDK's "forum bad guy", to be bombarded with "smites" to my "karma", then so be it. But someone had to set this guy straight. the bad guy. What good will it do me? What good will it do you. OR you can be the "forum good guy", like wontolla, and whenever I go off on a tangent, you send me a friendly PM. That way, we both win.

Great. Smite me again. But I'm not simply going to take it on the chin.
And BTW, I didn't actually use "foul language". If you're privy to such language in which you could fill in the blanks and assume as such, that's not my fault.
....I am not even going to respond to that...Oh wait I just did :D (laugh here)

Anyways, Kitty, forget this thing, it's over. It was a controversial topic, and you (and me) got a bit over-excited. Just calm your regular self. Don't be "the forum bad guy".
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P


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Re: Helping Get CHDK More Popular
« Reply #37 on: 08 / June / 2008, 18:01:08 »
This is my last post in this thread. I admit, sending the letter to Canon could lead to problems. Even though these problems might appear anyway a few years later, it is best to "keep below the radar" as long as possible.
I declare this discussion over (for me at least). If you have a problem with anything I said here, please PM me.

To Kitty/whoever else was annoyed by this thread: It's over. Just forget this ever happened. I don't want to form enemies over this thread. I admitted I was wrong. Everybody is entitled to a few mistakes.

To Mods: Please lock this thread. It is only creating problems, and is not accomplishing anything productive.
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P


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