Move To Better Hosting - page 2 - Forum related topics (including issues) - CHDK Forum


Would you rather

Stick with what we got
15 (88.2%)
Get AcSeven to host EVERYTHING on his server
0 (0%)
get entirely new host
1 (5.9%)
get sourceforge to remove its limits and host everything there...
1 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 16

Move To Better Hosting

  • 24 Replies

Offline DataGhost

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #10 on: 01 / June / 2008, 21:07:30 »
To be honest: I'm sorry, user reviews generally suck. Also, the 'non-user' reviews are way too short and don't give any impression of how it handles when some serious load hits it. The second one looks like spam...
I don't see any technical details in there, no single performance test. Please let me stress this line: "If it looks too good to be true, it generally is." Consider the costs of a server, power, maintenance, cooling, housing and the cost of an internet line including bandwidth (yes you also have to pay for bandwidth, on top of the costs of the line). You'll quickly find out that it is IMPOSSIBLE to offer anything serious at $5 a month, let alone unlimited storage and bandwidth. For starters, unlimited anything is impossible. Second, I have SSH access. Considering that I also have unlimited storage and bandwidth, I can start my own usenet server, keep about 500 terabytes of data or whatever is enough for 300 days retention and then I offer everyone access for $1. Assuming they offer a 100Mbit line (which adds up to about 1050 GB a day, which is not unlimited) I can transfer about 32000 GB (32 TB) a month. As far as I remember, 1TB traffic generally costs 75 euros ($116) over here in the NL. Maybe half... then I'm still at about $1800 a month, for traffic only. Add the costs of several servers and the required amount of harddrives, increased power, cooling, housing and maintenance requirements... well.
Assuming I get 100 customers, I'll make $100 a month, which is 20 times $5. Why don't they offer a usenet service, then? They'll make lots of money!

Bottom line: it's not possible for $5 a month. The above was an insane example (though allowed?) but CHDK also has slightly above-average (for them) requirements.
« Last Edit: 01 / June / 2008, 21:09:31 by DataGhost »


Offline adcz

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #11 on: 01 / June / 2008, 21:35:44 »
Not too sure about your costs and numbers... but here are mine:
Say they have a nice dataserver, with a 1/2million-dollar per year OC768 backbone connection running to their center. That is

40 Gbps = 5GBps
5 GBps x 60 x 60 x 24 x 30 x 12 = 155,520,000 GB per Year. that is 155 PETABYTES!
They claim to host 350,000 domains. That is 444 GB/year per domain = 37 GB/month per domain. Now that might seem like really little. However, how many ppl do you think will actually use that 37 GB every month? Most people that will sign up are trying to get a failing site of the ground, wasting maybe a gig or so every month, leaving petabytes left for the rest of us. To make a comparison, acseven's company gives 10Gb of monthly bandwidth for 5 bucks a month.

For the space: 500 gig hd <= $100
Let's say an avg customer is going to use...2-3 gigs (most avg ppl won't use more than that)
So 350,000 * 3 = 1,050,000 / 500 * $100 = $210,000 (one time cost by the way) to host their customer's sites. That's nothing compared to their possible profits. Obviously they have much more disk space, left over, so companies like CHDK can host their terabytes of stuff there without impacting earnings

Now can they afford it (at least for bandwidth):
Cost: $440,000 (per month (?) = $5,280,000 per year.
$5,280,000 - (350,000 * $5 * 12) = 5,280,000 - 21,000,000 = $15,720,000 of profits! See it works. And they can buy 2 more lines with the profits they make, even highering the limit.
« Last Edit: 01 / June / 2008, 21:39:19 by adcz »
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P

Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #12 on: 01 / June / 2008, 21:57:24 »
adcz, I'm not sure what the deal is for you personally, but you have many core members and the administrator telling you (overwhelmingly) that it's either unnecessary or that it will screw things up.
If you want so badly to make an impact for the better, then may I suggest you channel your efforts to rewriting/restructuring some of the dilapidated wiki?
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


Offline DataGhost

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #13 on: 01 / June / 2008, 21:59:31 »


Offline adcz

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #14 on: 01 / June / 2008, 22:08:26 »
Hmmm...well I guess you proved me wrong D:
Eventually somebody'll make a good (almost free) reliable host tho :(
So I guess the switch hosting idea is dead. You can close the thread if you want.
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P


Offline PhyrePhoX

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #15 on: 02 / June / 2008, 00:48:47 »
Why close it,there went alot of energy into it,havent seen so huge posts since barney fife is gone :)
Bottom line: if there ain't a problem,don't fix it. Only thing we still need is the bugtracker,which already is being taken care of.
Well it also might be a good idea hosting things like cardtricks on a 'real host',acdz does have a point there,actually.


Offline fbonomi

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #16 on: 02 / June / 2008, 02:42:49 »
if there ain't a problem,don't fix it.

Wise words.

Moreover, energy and time by the ones that are developing CHDK and/or mantaining the support sites (wiki, forum etc) is limited. Migrating a system like this one always takes more than it seems....


Offline fudgey

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #17 on: 02 / June / 2008, 13:54:16 »
Yes, a proper download site would be good, for releases and all the development things we have going on, and for scripts too. I really don't like the way scripts are stored in wikia (as text you need to copy&paste to a file you created, this has caused problems for newbies and keeps me from adding my scripts there tbh), I'm assuming it isn't possible to attach files there? Firmware dumps are different, they are Canon's property.


Offline adcz

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Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #18 on: 02 / June / 2008, 16:53:10 »
Well if we really want to split everything up... I suppose we can use sourceforge's file system (bout the only thing they don't limit). It's free, its reliable, and unlimited. Unfortunately that would create just another site (disorganizing it further). But if anybody wants to, I already have an approved CHDK account on Sourceforge. Just come in, and I will admin (or limited admin if you're not a dev/mod/trusted person) you :).
We could store:
* chdk builds
* CardTricks
* passworded (?- dunno if it's possible) firmware dumps
* scripts

all in one organized location. Feel free to comment :)

Yes, a proper download site would be good, for releases and all the development things we have going on, and for scripts too. I really don't like the way scripts are stored in wikia (as text you need to copy&paste to a file you created, this has caused problems for newbies and keeps me from adding my scripts there tbh), I'm assuming it isn't possible to attach files there? Firmware dumps are different, they are Canon's property.
Email me at for questions/comments/etc or aim me at adzempire!
STOP!! Before thou smiteth me, please PM me the reason! . Criticism = bad, constructive criticism = good.

If you wanna applaud, no reason necessary, I know I'm wonderful :P

Re: Move To Better Hosting
« Reply #19 on: 02 / June / 2008, 17:48:52 »
Ya know adcz, I oughtta smite ya just for spelling "thou" wrong under your avatar! lol
Whoa-Hey! Careful where you point that thing. You're gonna shoot someone!


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