yikes! That is a lot

. You have a very good point about the "no tangible contribution". Well from this day forward, I will make less ideas, and more contributions..in fact,
CHDK what? Help me, I'm a newbie! is my first big contribution!
Also a few minor contributions:
Forum Themes (And Site Themes In General)*
SourceForge.net: Files - Uploaded CardTricks builds - well it's kinda contibution-ish
oh god...you're right...those were my only other contribution O.o
So my todo list then in priority order...
* When ppl respond to my vid, fix it up, tape it again with better lighting
* CardTricks Packager - when whim makes a version of cardtricks which auto-searches directory for zip file...I am going to write camera chooser (working on it now actually) and make it package build w/cardtricks into ZIP file...so it will become fully automated
* Upload stuff to Sourceforge - did CardTricks, gotta do builds. Would be better when linking (don't have to wait)
* IRC Helpdesk - Yay! I wanna helps n00bs!
* Write letters to Canon/Eye-Fi asking for permissions/supports, and all that mumbo jumbo
* Learn C (in summer) and try to add something to the builds, add features (kinda in the very back of my to-do list)...for now I can only help you guys make features "theoretically" as in suggesting ways (like in thread w/writing TextEditor)
Another possible explanation for your -Karma:
You like to open a lot of new threads, 12 in 11 days!
You are already among the top ten topic starters in this forum!
CHDK forum - Statistics Center
And more than 60 posts already but no tangible contribution.
Take "CHDKLover" for instance: He has only 21 posts in 2 months. And he enhanced CHDK's interface, created a variety of icons etc.
Other users upload a new camera's firmware dump with only 3 or 4 posts.
Seriously man, I have 6 months here and I've only open 2 new threads.
Sumarizing: Too much talking but no action!
Re: Calendar
I will try to learn C this summer

can't wait!