Using bracketing script with USB remote - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

Using bracketing script with USB remote

  • 7 Replies
Using bracketing script with USB remote
« on: 28 / May / 2008, 17:54:57 »
I have successfully adapted Nichloas Bertolissio's bracketing script to work on the SD870.  It begins taking photos by pressing the "set" button.  I want it to work so that it begins taking photos each time it receives a USB pulse.

The full USB remote and bracketing scripts I'm using are listed at the bottom of this post.  If anybody can figure out how to make this would I appreciate it greatly.

I changed the following statement in the bracketing script hoping it would work, but it didn't:

if is_key "set"   

changed to:

if is_key "remote"

I have been using the following USB remote script:

@title Remote button
while 1
  wait_click 1
  if is_key "remote" then shoot


Below is the full bracketing script that I want to change so that it starts each time it receives a USB pulse:

@title Bracketing
@param a (Number images-1)/2   1..12
@default a 1
@param b Step size  (1/3 EV)   1..12
@default b 2
@param c Correction (1/3 EV) -12..12
@default c 0

get_prop 25 w
get_prop 26 x

let y=1

  let z=0

    if a<1   then let a=1
    if a>12  then let a=12
    if b<1   then let b=1
    if b>12  then let b=12
    if c<-12 then let c=-12
    if c>12  then let c=12
    if y<1 then y=3
    if y>3 then y=1

    print ""
    if y=1 then print "Num : <" 2*a+1 ">"     else print "Num :  " 2*a+1
    if y=2 then print "Step: <" b/3,b%3 "/3>" else print "Step:  " b/3,b%3 "/3"
    if y=3 then print "Corr: <" c/3,c%3 "/3>" else print "Corr:  " c/3,c%3 "/3"
    print "[Set]=shoot [Disp]=exit"

    if is_key "up"   then let y=y-1
    if is_key "down" then let y=y+1
    if y=1 and is_key "left"  then let a=a-1
    if y=2 and is_key "left"  then let b=b-1
    if y=3 and is_key "left"  then let c=c-1
    if y=1 and is_key "right" then let a=a+1
    if y=2 and is_key "right" then let b=b+1
    if y=3 and is_key "right" then let c=c+1
    if is_key "set"     then z=1
    if is_key "display" then z=2
  until z>0
  if z=2 then goto "exit1"

  let d=c*32-a*b*32

  for s=1 to 2*a+1
    set_prop 107 d
    set_prop 207 d
    print "Shoot at",d/96,(d/32)%3 "/3"
      get_prop 206 p
    until p=0
    press "shoot_full"
      get_prop 206 p
    until p=1
    release "shoot_full"
    let d=d+b*32
  next s
until z=2

set_prop 25 w
set_prop 26 x


Thanks in advance!!


Offline zeno

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Re: Using bracketing script with USB remote
« Reply #1 on: 28 / May / 2008, 18:16:10 »

the simplest way to wait for power to be applied to the usb port is this:
Code: [Select]
      a = get_usb_power
until a>0
The do loop will not exit until power is applied (or the shutter button is pressed to interrupt the script)

A570, S100, Ixus 127

Re: Using bracketing script with USB remote
« Reply #2 on: 28 / May / 2008, 18:24:43 »
Thanks for your reply, Dave.

Sorry for my ignorance, but will the "a" in your statements interfere with the "a" in the bracketing script?  Also, I want it to be able to repeat the bracketing each time it gets a pulse.  This may happen 500 or more times during a session.  This currently works in the bracketing script each time I press "set".

I appreciate the help!

Re: Using bracketing script with USB remote
« Reply #3 on: 28 / May / 2008, 19:08:29 »
You should use a different variable if 'a' is already used

Re: Using bracketing script with USB remote
« Reply #4 on: 28 / May / 2008, 19:32:17 »
I tried a different variable, but it didn't work.  The scripts each have wait_click statements too, so they may be conflicting also.  I tried a few things, but my skills weren't up to the task.


Offline zeno

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Re: Using bracketing script with USB remote
« Reply #5 on: 29 / May / 2008, 04:59:05 »
Michael - see my post in the KAP Forum at KAP Discussion Page - CHDK script help needed
A570, S100, Ixus 127

Re: Using bracketing script with USB remote
« Reply #6 on: 29 / May / 2008, 16:12:28 »
Shortest script :)
until get_usb_power

But note, get_usb_power returns when you 'lift' the button not when pressing it. (It will return the length of the press).

Re: Using bracketing script with USB remote
« Reply #7 on: 30 / May / 2008, 05:07:24 »
Hi, Michael L.

Well, I'm not quite sure that what I'm going to give you is what you want, but maybe it could help you.
When I discovered CHDK, I wanted a script that would allow me to shoot a burst with the remote control. Finally, after hours an hours playing around and trying to write that script (as I didn't know anything about programmation!), I succeeded to do what I wanted. Thanks to this script, the camera starts shooting a burst when I press the remote button, and it stops when I press it again. All I have to do is to set the camera on continuous mode. And now, thanks to Allbest's build, that allows me to set "bracketing in continous mode", I can use the Av or Tv bracketing the same way. And it works very good!
Now, I have a A630 and dunno if it will work with your cam, but let's give it a try and then tell me if it works!
Hope I helped.


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