Cool! Thanks for sharing! However, it seems that there is no detection in the lower space of the screen I tried also to use the "mask"...and it didn't change anything.
I already used the test mode. Even if the whole screen is covered with green squares, the squares at the bottom (at default, the script uses 6 columns and 5 rows: here I speak about the two bottom rows) are inactive: they don't react to any movment. And I also tried to use Fudgey's (yours :p) MD script, the problem does not occur. Oh and I've tried various "positions"^^ or scenes...It's an odd thing
where can i find motion detection video for my sx20is?
rem Fudgey's Motion Detector security camera script aka "mdCCTV" - video button cameras onlyrem This CHDK uBASIC script starts video record on motion and stops when motion stops.rem Initially developed on A570IS by fudgey - converted to work for S series and TX1 (ones with a separate video button)rem Use a recent Allbest build (50 should be ok). Others may work.rem "antiMD Timeout" is the required period of stillness required to stop (in seconds)@title mdCCTV@param a Columns@default a 6@param b Rows@default b 4@param c Threshold (0-255)@default c 10@param e Trigger Delay (0.1 sec)@default e 5@param f Channel (0U,1Y,2V,3R,4G,5B)@default f 1@param g Minimum video time (s)@default g 2@param h Pixel Step (pixels)@default h 6@param i Masking (0=No 1=Mask 2=Use)@default i 0@param j - Mask Columns Left@default j 0@param k - Mask Columns Right@default k 0@param l - Mask Rows Top@default l 0@param m - Mask Rows Bottom@default m 0@param o MD Timeout (10s of seconds)@default o 30@param p antiMD Timeout (seconds)@default p 3@param q MD Compare Interval (ms)@default q 7@param r antiMD Comp.Interv. (*10ms)@default r 20@param z Test mode (1=on, 0=off)@default z 0if a<1 then a=1if b<1 then b=1if i<0 then i=0if i>2 then i=2if j<0 then j=0if k<0 then k=0if l<0 then l=0if m<0 then m=0if j>a then j=aif k>a then k=aif l>b then l=bif m>b then m=brem cannot allow 0s delay there, may mess up MD or REC.if g<1 then g=1if f<0 then f=1if f>5 then f=1if f=0 then print "Channel: U chroma"if f=1 then print "Channel: Luminance"if f=2 then print "Channel: V chroma"if f=3 then print "Channel: Red"if f=4 then print "Channel: Green"if f=5 then print "Channel: Blue"if o<1 then o=1if p<1 then p=1r=r*10p=p*1000e=e*100g=g*1000o=o*10000if z=1 then goto "test_md":slow_video_md print "motion detect armed" t=0 do md_detect_motion a, b, f, o, q, c, 1, t, i, j+1, l+1, a-k, b-m, 0, h, e until t>0 print "starting video record" click "video" rem user specified minimum video length wait: sleep g gosub "slow_anti_md"goto "slow_video_md":slow_anti_md print "stillness detect armed" do t=0 md_detect_motion a, b, f, p, r, c, 1, t, i, j+1, l+1, a-k, b-m, 0, h, e until t<1 if g>1 then click "video" print "stopping video record" sleep 300return:test_md print "MD test, no shooting." N=0:test_md_loop t=0 do md_detect_motion a, b, f, o, q, c, 1, t, i, j+1, l+1, a-k, b-m, 0, h, e until t>0 N=N+1 print t, "cells, trigger ", Ngoto "test_md_loop"
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