As jeff666 was saing this:,1359.msg14550.html#msg14550, he didn't know I would test the @*#$! code one more time - to answere his question properly. Why "@*#$!" ? Becose:
Becose it broke the camera. Propably I pulled out the batteries in the wrong moment (as Seklth - who's camera got it self in service becose of a similar code). To say for my defence: the "wrong moment" is nearly "any moment" in a infinit loop of "Loading ...".
The good news is I learned much more since Seklth camera broke. Good news for my camera - becose my guarantee expired. What I done:
As I said in the other topic, the bootloader is simple. It tries to run a bootable CF card. The "bootable" means it have a "BOOTDISK" at 0x40, and "EOS_DEVELOP" at 0x2B. I didn't made a bootable CF becose I was working on the full reboot as I wrote. But what I done next, what to load the bootloader attached program in to the ram, and run the .fir loading procedure. The orginal .fir didn't work right (buttons didn't work), So I runned my led-dumper to look at the bootloading-flags (look in the "... Runned ..." thread) - They were 0 0 0 -1 in stead of 0 -1 -1 -1. I then loaded the bootloader-attached program and used it this time to write the right bootflags. Then pulled out the battery - and it work's perfectly !
Why I'm writing it? Two reasons:
1. So if you'll break the camera like that, mayby it will help you (attached .fir and AUTOEXEC.BIN)
2. As I said in a other thread: I'm not rich man - I was terrified when It happened (guarantee expired, so much money!), and I had to write somewhere :-)