No problem, I was just joking

Their website is is pretty confusing at some parts...
It's not necessarily the full firmware, you could compare it to a patch of some software or game, some contain the whole executable, some only the modified parts that get rewritten in the existing executable. Also if the FW upgrade would contain all code including the bootloader it can brick your camera if the upgrade fails (e.g. power outage or whatever). By keeping that part untouched you can recover from a bad upgrade (if implemented).
Anyway, I spent some time the last few days reading about the P&S and DSLR cameras and how CHDK is being developed for them and as far as I understood, the officially available FW upgrades don't contain for example the bootloader which is the place where we probably would have to search for an autoboot feature...
To read out all code from the cam, we need
- to boot/execute custom code from SD or over USB/Firewire
- to output the read data to somewhere which again could be realized by
- writing to an SD card (the SD driver seems to be in the HF10 upgrade "RENESAS SD Driver Ver1.14")
- doing the blinker thing like on the P&S cams
- or some other creative idea...
It seems that the Renesas SD driver isn't publicly available, otherwise we could search for signatures in the firmware and easily locate the functions if they're really there.