Can Chdk ADD (not modify) P, Tv, Av, M and exposure bracketing to a camera? - General Help and Assistance on using CHDK stable releases - CHDK Forum

Can Chdk ADD (not modify) P, Tv, Av, M and exposure bracketing to a camera?

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Offline Sess

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I've been reading up on CHDK quite a bit but I'm getting kind of confused. It seems like CHDK largely modifies existing abilities within cameras. However, can CHDK add entirely new functionality?

For example, could CHDK give the SD850 the ability to use P, Tv, Av, and M shooting modes?

Also, the A650 (for some asinine reason) does not have exposure bracketing. I know CHDK can make exposure bracketing more robust, but can it give it to the A650 which doesn't have it to begin with?
« Last Edit: 11 / June / 2008, 19:38:47 by Sess »


Offline fe50

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Re: Can CHDK add P, Tv, Av, M and exposure bracketing to a camera?
« Reply #1 on: 11 / June / 2008, 03:17:46 »
Hello & welcome Sess,

pls. read a bit more & use the search function  ;)

CHDK wikia
CHDK in Brief
CHDK firmware usage (also as PDF file:Link)
Allbest firmware usage


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Re: Can CHDK add P, Tv, Av, M and exposure bracketing to a camera?
« Reply #2 on: 11 / June / 2008, 15:28:43 »
Hello & welcome Sess,

pls. read a bit more & use the search function  ;)

CHDK wikia
CHDK in Brief
CHDK firmware usage (also as PDF file:Link)
Allbest firmware usage

I read a lot of that already. However I went through it again to see if I missed anything and searched through the forums as well but I'm pretty much stuck with the same questions. I don't quite understand if some features are simply modifications or entirely added.

For example, a section describes bracketing of Tv, Av, and ISO modes. But does the camera have to already have Tv and Av modes or will CHDK add them entirely? Also, as I said before, sections describe CHDK modifying exposure bracketing so that you can have as many exposures as you want with whatever increment you want. But what if a camera doesn't have bracketing to begin with? Will CHDK add bracketing entirely?

I'm considering buying the A650. The only build I've found that specifically mentions it is SDM. But the description of SDM only talks about the Stereo features. I've read that it includes everything in Fingalo 128 and a few things from AllBest, but it doesn't say what those features are. All I was about to learn about Fingalo is that it has to do with remote control.

So the bottom line is, if I get a camera without built in bracketing like the A650, will CHDK be able to enable exposure bracketing? And if I get a camera without modes like Av, Tv, and M, will CHDK be able to add such modes?


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Re: Can CHDK add P, Tv, Av, M and exposure bracketing to a camera?
« Reply #3 on: 11 / June / 2008, 16:48:35 »
Hi Sess,

many questions, but i'll try to bring some light to you...

...For example, a section describes bracketing of Tv, Av, and ISO modes. But does the camera have to already have Tv and Av modes or will CHDK add them entirely?

Yes, CHDK will add this features to the camera !

...But what if a camera doesn't have bracketing to begin with? Will CHDK add bracketing entirely?

Yes, most P&S ("Point & Shoot") cameras do not have this advanced features - with CHDK you can do this with your canon camera !

I'm considering buying the A650. The only build I've found that specifically mentions it is SDM. But the description of SDM only talks about the Stereo features. I've read that it includes everything in Fingalo 128 and a few things from AllBest, but it doesn't say what those features are. All I was about to learn about Fingalo is that it has to do with remote control.

The A650 is supported by CHDK; there are 2 main builds: SDM (Stereo Data Maker) and AllBest.
Both builds adds nearly the same extensions to your camera; the SDM is designed especially for doing stereo photographing (but you can also use it with a single camera) and has some special extensions like USB remote control without the need of a script.

For starting with CHDK you can always look for "AllBest", in this build most of the available extensions from older builds or other special versions are combined.

So you can use Allbest #50 (the stable build) or the latest "AutoBuild" (beta version with some new or experimental features).

...So the bottom line is, if I get a camera without built in bracketing like the A650, will CHDK be able to enable exposure bracketing? And if I get a camera without modes like Av, Tv, and M, will CHDK be able to add such modes?

Yes, CHDK brings you bracketing; you'll get many additional features: What does the CHDK program do.

See also "What camera should I buy ?


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Re: Can CHDK add P, Tv, Av, M and exposure bracketing to a camera?
« Reply #4 on: 11 / June / 2008, 19:38:21 »
...For example, a section describes bracketing of Tv, Av, and ISO modes. But does the camera have to already have Tv and Av modes or will CHDK add them entirely?

Yes, CHDK will add this features to the camera !

Wow. See this was the big question that I had about CHDK which I was discussing with someone on another forums. A few of the comments made had me concerned:

Quote from: Photography on the Net Forums (A650 vs SD950 w/ CHDK firmware - Canon Digital Photography Forums)
There are functions that allow you to set a shutter speed, or an aperture, but I'm not clear that those functions will give you good exposures in a "fully automated" mode, or that you'd be able to meter with the camera for full manual mode. I'm extremely dubious about your being able to set aperture or shutter speed and still get auto exposure on a camera that doesn't provide aperture and shutter priority.

So CHDK is really able to give these features to a camera and have them work correctly? That's pretty impressive.

The A650 is supported by CHDK; there are 2 main builds: SDM (Stereo Data Maker) and AllBest.
Both builds adds nearly the same extensions to your camera; the SDM is designed especially for doing stereo photographing (but you can also use it with a single camera) and has some special extensions like USB remote control without the need of a script.

For starting with CHDK you can always look for "AllBest", in this build most of the available extensions from older builds or other special versions are combined.

So you can use Allbest #50 (the stable build) or the latest "AutoBuild" (beta version with some new or experimental features).

Awesome. I was having a lot of trouble figuring out what the various builds included. Thanks for clearing that up.

...So the bottom line is, if I get a camera without built in bracketing like the A650, will CHDK be able to enable exposure bracketing? And if I get a camera without modes like Av, Tv, and M, will CHDK be able to add such modes?

Yes, CHDK brings you bracketing; you'll get many additional features: What does the CHDK program do.

See also "What camera should I buy ?

Again, thanks for clearing that up. I found that "What camera should I buy" section interesting, although I'm not sure I like their recommendation to use Dpreview for digicam reviews. I skimmed through a few of their reviews (A640, SD850) and not once did they mention camera noise. How can you review a point and shoot digicam and not mention noise? I much prefer Imaging Resource. They have long detailed reviews and full resolution test photos of test patterns and various non-changing sets used for cross-camera comparisons.


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...some hints afterwards:

"...set aperture or shutter speed..."
There is no physical ND filter in the A6xx series (A610, A620, A630, A640, A650).

This is good because the IXUS and A7xx cameras only have NDs because they do not have a real iris to control the aperture - so it is a workaround.

However, it is bad, because higher level cameras (the G series, from G3 through G9) have the ND filter AS WELL as real iris aperture. In this situation the ND filter is useful because it can be used in certain situations to reduce shutter speeds or open the aperture further while still preventing overexposure.
(ND filter = Neutral Density filter)

Also: Samples for High Speed Shutter at wikia

The NOISE: It's a problem of all "cheap" cameras because of the very small sensor size (i love my Ixus 50 with 5MP & low noise), but with CHDK you have more control (ISO settings, Shutter control, Zebra mode, Noise Reduction in RAW mode for long time exposures...).

I've bought a IXUS 860is because of the wide angel zoom objective and the size/weigth...

I have the A650 IS and CHDK works fine Bracketing also works in macro with multi shot set good software thanx to everyone concerned i just love the control i now have.


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So CHDK is really able to give these features to a camera and have them work correctly? That's pretty impressive.
Yes, but keep in mind that they may be considerably more difficult to use than in the normal firmware.

I skimmed through a few of their reviews (A640, SD850) and not once did they mention camera noise.
You should skim more slowly ;), dpreview usually goes into quite a bit of depth on noise, including sample shots, e.g.
Don't forget what the H stands for.


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