kinda nice, but ... why 4x? Wouldn't a value of 5 or 10 be nicer?
Dunno, did it from a personal need. :] (= for changing the Tv override -setting faster)
How about something like this:
when shoot_half is pressed,
- enum values would be changed by 4
- numeric values by 5 (10?)
Also, numeric values would be changed
- by 10 (100?), when zoom_in is pressed
- by 100 (1000?), when zoom_out is pressed.
Is de-/incrementing values by 1000 really needed?
I think for menu navigation 4 is a good value.
Would zoom_in/out be a better modifier key?
Or even using zoom_in for 4 down, zoom_out for 4 up?
Also using func/set as +1 variable change is unnecessary IMO. How about using it as variable-reset?
I might make a test build for these next week, if no one else makes it before me. ;)
Sorry, just try your experimental build on my A650 1.00D but it just don't startup at all.
Have no idea why... :/ Does the newest trunk work unmodified?