Disabling the LCD - Hello, I'm a NEWBIE - HELP!! (Newbies assistance, User Guides and thank you notes) - CHDK Forum

Disabling the LCD

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Disabling the LCD
« on: 12 / June / 2008, 19:52:32 »
I'm using the Unlimited Interval Shooting script (UBASIC/Scripts: Unlimited Interval Shooting - CHDK Wiki) on my SD800 IS, using the Allbest 51-415 build, and I was wondering if there's any way to turn the LCD off while it's running. I'm doing a long time lapse, so I want to conserve battery power. I have a spare battery, but I was hoping to get ~1000 pictures. This seems plausible with some reviews of the camera, stating it can take upwards of 600 pictures on a single charge with the LCD off, so I was just wondering if there's a way to do this. Thanks.


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Re: Disabling the LCD
« Reply #1 on: 12 / June / 2008, 19:59:14 »

Try clicking the "disp" button several times, one of the states should have LCD disabled.


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Re: Disabling the LCD
« Reply #2 on: 12 / June / 2008, 20:01:51 »
Hello & welcome yourspaceholiday !

As written in the wikia, Firmware usage - MISC:

Disable LCD off
Suppresses the camera's "Display Off" energy-saving functions in <ALT> mode. This means that your LCD/EVF screen and camera will stay on permanently instead of turning itself off according to your camera's Power Saving settings.

        [No] - LCD/EVF display and camera turns off with the normal camera Power Savings menu settings.
        [Alt] - LCD/EVF display (and camera) won't turn off while in <ALT> mode. Also useful if you want to
                 override your auto power-down settings, just enter <ALT> mode.
        [Script] - LCD/EVF display won't turn off while in <ALT> mode OR while a script is running.

Useful for lengthy intervalometer or other scripts where seeing the display is valuable for important count-down timer or other messages contained in "print" statements. When not set to [Script] mode the script will continue to run and execute its commands, but the display will turn off according to your in-camera Power Saving settings. The LCD/EVF display turning on again whenever the script issues a camera command, as if waking up the camera display manually by pressing any of the buttons. Since the camera is still in <ALT> mode after exiting a script, this will still override your camera's power-down settings.

Use with some caution. If you accidentally leave your camera on while in <ALT> mode and this is turned on your camera will not auto power-down according to your Power Saving settings.

Re: Disabling the LCD
« Reply #3 on: 13 / June / 2008, 00:24:55 »

Try clicking the "disp" button several times, one of the states should have LCD disabled.

When I do this, it turns the display off until I start running the script, then it comes back and and displays the preview image, so it doesn't completely disable it.

Hello & welcome yourspaceholiday !

As written in the wikia, Firmware usage - MISC:

Disable LCD off
Suppresses the camera's "Display Off" energy-saving functions in <ALT> mode. This means that your LCD/EVF screen and camera will stay on permanently instead of turning itself off according to your camera's Power Saving settings.

        [No] - LCD/EVF display and camera turns off with the normal camera Power Savings menu settings.
        [Alt] - LCD/EVF display (and camera) won't turn off while in <ALT> mode. Also useful if you want to
                 override your auto power-down settings, just enter <ALT> mode.
        [Script] - LCD/EVF display won't turn off while in <ALT> mode OR while a script is running.

Useful for lengthy intervalometer or other scripts where seeing the display is valuable for important count-down timer or other messages contained in "print" statements. When not set to [Script] mode the script will continue to run and execute its commands, but the display will turn off according to your in-camera Power Saving settings. The LCD/EVF display turning on again whenever the script issues a camera command, as if waking up the camera display manually by pressing any of the buttons. Since the camera is still in <ALT> mode after exiting a script, this will still override your camera's power-down settings.

Use with some caution. If you accidentally leave your camera on while in <ALT> mode and this is turned on your camera will not auto power-down according to your Power Saving settings.

I'm totally new to CHDK, so please forgive my ignorance, but does that mean that it's not possible to completely deactivate the display (including the preview picture) when the script is running? Like I said above, I can turn it off, but once the script starts running, it comes back on again. I'd like to just shut the display off completely. I currently have my "Disable Display Off" set to No, but, it's still coming back on (which I suppose makes sense, since the camera's not actually idling).

Thanks for your help, both of you. CHDK looks really great, but I'm still trying to make some sense of it.


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Re: Disabling the LCD
« Reply #4 on: 13 / June / 2008, 00:38:18 »
Plug your av cable into the cam,or just the jack.even plastic will do.disables the display anytime.


Offline cyril42e

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Re: Disabling the LCD
« Reply #5 on: 13 / June / 2008, 06:07:16 »
Good trick PhyrePhox :-D

On my SD1000, the display doesn't come back when I start a script after having disabled the LCD. Don't know if SD800 IS is different, or if it is a bug in CHDK for SD800 IS...


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Re: Disabling the LCD
« Reply #6 on: 13 / June / 2008, 06:39:59 »
well, in script mode the display button has no function. so you have to pause the script using the alt button, then press disp again :)

Re: Disabling the LCD
« Reply #7 on: 13 / June / 2008, 11:33:03 »
Thanks! Works great!


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