SD800 Motion Detect Problem? - Script Writing - CHDK Forum

SD800 Motion Detect Problem?

  • 9 Replies
SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« on: 10 / June / 2008, 22:53:04 »
Hi, I am using on my SD800 and tried using the MDFB-080419-DigicIII.bas to do some motion detection (mostly lightning).
The problem is that when I load the script using all default parameters on the camera, CHDK, and the script all that happens when I press the shutter in ALT mode with the script loaded is that the camera sits there as if I had the shutter button half pressed.  It never takes a photo, just sits there sometimes showing the shake warning.  I have tried turning off AiAF, Red Eye, Focus light, all to no avail.  Am I missing something here?
Also, if I were to try to get some fast shots on my own without motion detect, are there any settings you might recommend?  Thanks!


Offline fudgey

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Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #1 on: 14 / June / 2008, 15:28:43 »
Disable flashlight.

Try slow shoot mode instead of the default fast shoot.

Make sure you don't have an old chdk.cfg from some other build.

Does it even draw the green motion detection grid on the LCD?

Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #2 on: 14 / June / 2008, 21:04:08 »
Hey fudgey, thanks for replying.

Slow shoot mode works fine, and the grid displays fine as well.

When I start the script using fast shoot, I do not even get to see the grid, and camera acts as if shutter is half pressed.  I tried both with the flash off, and flash on.

I do not have any old chdk.cfg I even reformatted card with cardtricks and placed on new allbest-ixus850_sd800-100e-51-413 build then placed MDFB-080419-DigicIII.bas into my scripts folder.

Any ideas?  Thanks again for helping  :)


Offline fbalb

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Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #3 on: 15 / June / 2008, 08:12:14 »
I've the same problem on ixus850 of my friend. Fast shoot doesn't work in MD.

We have to delete chdk.cfg evry times we put a new firmware ?


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Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #4 on: 15 / June / 2008, 11:14:23 »
I've the same problem on ixus850 of my friend. Fast shoot doesn't work in MD.

We have to delete chdk.cfg evry times we put a new firmware ?

I'm guessing this is a problem with the get_prop 206 loop and the digic III ixus models. I don't have one so can't really debug this with ease I'm afraid... Have you tried different  shooting modes (P/Av/Tv, ixus doesn't have M if I'm not mistaken)?

Yes, you should delete your chdk.cfg when changing releases. It's usually safe to upgrade from a recent allbest to the latest allbest, but probably not when changing between sdm and allbest or some significantly older builds like grand's. I don't usually delete it when upgrading unless I run into problems...

Deleting chdk.cfg and letting chdk create a new one is recommended before reporting bugs, since an old configuration file can cause funky behavior sometimes.

Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #5 on: 15 / June / 2008, 12:05:47 »
I'm guessing this is a problem with the get_prop 206 loop and the digic III ixus models. I don't have one so can't really debug this with ease I'm afraid... Have you tried different  shooting modes (P/Av/Tv, ixus doesn't have M if I'm not mistaken)?

We do have "M" manual mode on the ixus850/sd800.  I have tried using the script with all of my available modes (auto, manual, various scenes such as "kids & pets").
Also, besides just trying with the flash on and off, I also tried with various other options disabled such as AiAF, red eye, image stabilization.
This is a freshly formatted card with everything wiped and then only the latest allbest build and script put on it.

I am not a programmer by any means, and I know you said you can not debug easily, but if you need me to test some things for you, I would be glad to do what I can.

Thanks again for the help!


Offline fudgey

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Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #6 on: 17 / June / 2008, 17:37:16 »
Well you could try what the script below does on your camera. It's supposed to press the shutter once, waiting an optimal time for half-shuttering (much like the "shoot" command would do). If it doesn't, there's something wrong (or I'm mistaken, I didn't test this test script on my camera yet). And if replacing 206 with 205 helps, your camera follows the Digic II propcase set, at least in this respect.

Code: [Select]
rem digic III get_prop 206 test
@title test1
@param a delay1 (*10ms)
@default a 1
@param b delay2 (*10ms)
@default b 1

press "shoot_half"
sleep a
  get_prop 206 P
until P=1
sleep b
press "shoot_full"
sleep 300
release "shoot_full"


If it works, I'm sort of puzzled. Try removing all sleep statements from the above test script.

If the script doesn't work, propcase 206 probably never gets set "1" on your camera like it does on mine. You can try increasing parameters a and b in case increased delays help. You can also add sleep statements anywhere in the script you like to see if they help. You could also try experimenting what property 206 actually does on your camera. Go to CHDK debug menu and enable showing propcase page 20 to see how property 206 changes when you press your shutter in various ways and modes.

To find out how it works during the script run, you can add commands such as

Code: [Select]
get_prop 206 P
print "prop206=",P

to your scripts to figure things out.

One more thing... there's probably an easy quick&dirty workaround to your problem. That fast shoot get_prop 206 loop (before md_detect_motion) isn't necessary for fast MD to work. It is essential in making it work smoothly in all kinds of different situations, but if it doesn't work for you, you can replace it with a (preferably configurable) delay. Usually something like sleep 3000 will be more than enough (but not always... Tv, ISO, scene brightness, jpg/raw saving time etc. may affect this). Too short a delay and you may end up in an endless motion detect loop with the camera detecting motion and shooting because the LCD image is still settling and adapting when md_detect_motion is already armed. But at least you'd have access to the fast MD feature before someone figures out what's really wrong here.

Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #7 on: 17 / June / 2008, 21:28:36 »
I decided to load MDFB-080419-DigicII.bas instead of the script for DigicIII, and it works perfect!  The SD800 is definitely a DigicIII...weird.  All I know is it works or slow.  ???
Thank you for the help fudgey.  I just decided to give that a shot, since I really did not understand your script sample (I don't know anything about scripting to be quite honest).  Thanks again!


Offline quietschi

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Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #8 on: 18 / June / 2008, 04:00:03 »
Hi cameraw

that's because sd800 is digicIII camera with digicII propcase. it's descripted in the thread for porting the sd800

cheers quietschi

Re: SD800 Motion Detect Problem?
« Reply #9 on: 18 / June / 2008, 11:13:34 »
Hi cameraw

that's because sd800 is digicIII camera with digicII propcase. it's descripted in the thread for porting the sd800

cheers quietschi

Thanks quietschi.  I never looked at that thread, but at least there is a reason now as to why the DigicII .bas works. Thanks!


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