What would be needed is just to prevent JPEG encoding/saving. I guess it is possible to access the RAW data after a shot has been taken since CHDK can save the RAW picture.
So the idea would be to continuously take shots at 1/50s or 1/100s, and accumulate them in a buffer after having shift them.
2. does it seem possible to people that have better knowledge of CHDK core than me?
@oint 4: No, definitively not, no support for ARM in the IDA freeware version [Thread]
Quote from: cyril42e on 19 / June / 2008, 08:45:19What would be needed is just to prevent JPEG encoding/saving. I guess it is possible to access the RAW data after a shot has been taken since CHDK can save the RAW picture.That's fairly easy.
You don't have enough RAM for such a thing ....If you are speaking about SD card, then speed is a major issue.
Quote2. does it seem possible to people that have better knowledge of CHDK core than me?Not that I have that much knowledge, but I think it isn't.
both models incorporate Anti Shake DSP, which reduces blur by raising the camera's sensitivity and therefore increasing shutter speeds.
Auto Shutter function automatically records the moment of a smile or the instant when hand shake ceasesUsing motion blur detection technology, the camera can automatically take a photo at the instant when hand shake or subject movement ceases. Users can also automatically capture the moment of a smile, the instant when subject movement due to panning ceases, or the moment when their own face fills the frame as they point the camera towards themselves.
Maybe the "motion blur detection" is not easy to do (detecting high frequencies?), but "motion detection" already exists, and with little adaptation (changing how motion is detected, with average luminance in cells) it would be possible to do something similar to that...
I think on the cheaper Nikon cameras there is a mode which retains the sharpest picture. So you keep the shutter pressed, it works like burst mode and the camera retains what it thinks is the sharpest picture.
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