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What issues with SD870IS?

  • 14 Replies
Re: What issues with SD870IS?
« Reply #10 on: 23 / June / 2008, 11:29:10 »
Hi, I have an 870is...

Right now it appears that it is trapped inside of the scripts menu. There is no way to break out of it. I have tried viewing the menu in both playback and active modes - but no luck.

I have seen it work "properly" (there have always been problems) - but something must have happened to trap it inside of this menu.

Also, I've found that it repeatedly executes scripts improperly. For example I have the standard interval script installed - if I press the ALT button it suddenly starts taking pictures (autostart is off) - however the pictures don't get stored to the card.

Are other users experiencing problems like these? This camera is relatively new - not sure what is up. My experience with other canon models has been the polar opposite than this nonsense :(


Offline fe50

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Re: What issues with SD870IS?
« Reply #11 on: 23 / June / 2008, 16:21:48 »
Hello & welcome gaimrox,
Right now it appears that it is trapped inside of the scripts menu. There is no way to break out of it. I have tried viewing the menu in both playback and active modes - but no luck.

I can't follow your problem - you can start / stop a loaded script in ALT mode with the shutter, when a script is running you can stop it by pressing the shutter & with
the *EDIT: DISP   MENU button (in Alt mode) you'll get the CHDK menu...

If this behaviour isn't caused by handling perhaps there's a problem with the CHDK.cfg config file or the card has a problem with the file system (on Windows always use the "Remove Hardware" function)...

If this is NOT the case on your cam you should do the following to isolate the problem:

- save (backup) your pics from the card
- format the card (with FAT16 if the size is > 2GB) & make it bootable (e.g. use Cardtricks)
- install a fresh downloaded CHDK build (Allbest 50 & the latest Autobuild #51-425 works fine on SD870) on the card
- reset your camera to the default settings (in Canon Settings menu, "Reset all")

*EDIT: wrong button, it's MENU...

« Last Edit: 24 / June / 2008, 06:24:02 by fe50 »

Re: What issues with SD870IS?
« Reply #12 on: 23 / June / 2008, 18:57:08 »

Right now it appears that it is trapped inside of the scripts menu. There is no way to break out of it. I have tried viewing the menu in both playback and active modes - but no luck.

I can't follow your problem - you can start / stop a loaded script in ALT mode with the shutter, when a script is running you can stop it by pressing the shutter & with the DISP button (in Alt mode) you'll get the CHDK menu...

Thanks for the quick reply :)

To give a better description of my immediate problem:

1. Turn on 870

2. ALT button flashes blue and a blue box appears in the middle of the page giving version:
"allbest #51-425"

3. I press ALT button, then "func-set" in the middle of the nav-wheel

4. The scripts menu appears. At the top of the menu it says "Script". At the bottom of the menu I have an option called "<- Back".

5. I press down on the nav wheel to highlight "<- Back", and then press "Func. Set" in the middle of the nav-wheel.

Nothing happens. I'm basically trapped inside of the scripts menu.


As for scripts, I currently have "Interval Shooting Non-Stop" installed. Oddly it works sometimes, but not other times... this is hard to describe however:

Sometimes if I trigger the script to start it will just not take pictures. It says it's taking a picture, but the shutter never fires. It does this up to 3 times before the script just does nothing.

Other times - right after powerup - when I press the ALT button the script just magically starts running. It then proceeds to try and take pictures, but will fail. After this occurs the firmware is usually botched and you can't really get to menus or anything.

There is no way to really "fix" any of the above problems. Removing and reprogramming card, pulling battery do nothing to alleviate the symptoms.

It's not a chdk.cfg problem as I delete that regularly.
I use a mac, cards are formatted FAT.
I have noticed that I can't get 2 gig cards working, but I'm guessing this is fixable

I have never used the reset option before, I just tried and I'm still stuck in the menu... but it appears that the script just executed correctly for the first time in about 24 hours... :)

Any help is appreciated. Out of curiousity what language is the firmware implemented in?

thanks in advance

Re: What issues with SD870IS?
« Reply #13 on: 23 / June / 2008, 23:05:58 »

Ok I think I just found out that I was pressing the wrong button :( Off to play but it appears you need to press ALT+Menu instead of ALT+Func Set.

In any case I still have the problem with the script behaving some erratically, but at least I can play with this now :)

Right now it appears that it is trapped inside of the scripts menu. There is no way to break out of it. I have tried viewing the menu in both playback and active modes - but no luck.

I can't follow your problem - you can start / stop a loaded script in ALT mode with the shutter, when a script is running you can stop it by pressing the shutter & with the DISP button (in Alt mode) you'll get the CHDK menu...

Thanks for the quick reply :)

To give a better description of my immediate problem:

1. Turn on 870

2. ALT button flashes blue and a blue box appears in the middle of the page giving version:
"allbest #51-425"

3. I press ALT button, then "func-set" in the middle of the nav-wheel

4. The scripts menu appears. At the top of the menu it says "Script". At the bottom of the menu I have an option called "<- Back".

5. I press down on the nav wheel to highlight "<- Back", and then press "Func. Set" in the middle of the nav-wheel.

Nothing happens. I'm basically trapped inside of the scripts menu.


As for scripts, I currently have "Interval Shooting Non-Stop" installed. Oddly it works sometimes, but not other times... this is hard to describe however:

Sometimes if I trigger the script to start it will just not take pictures. It says it's taking a picture, but the shutter never fires. It does this up to 3 times before the script just does nothing.

Other times - right after powerup - when I press the ALT button the script just magically starts running. It then proceeds to try and take pictures, but will fail. After this occurs the firmware is usually botched and you can't really get to menus or anything.

There is no way to really "fix" any of the above problems. Removing and reprogramming card, pulling battery do nothing to alleviate the symptoms.

It's not a chdk.cfg problem as I delete that regularly.
I use a mac, cards are formatted FAT.
I have noticed that I can't get 2 gig cards working, but I'm guessing this is fixable

I have never used the reset option before, I just tried and I'm still stuck in the menu... but it appears that the script just executed correctly for the first time in about 24 hours... :)

Any help is appreciated. Out of curiousity what language is the firmware implemented in?

thanks in advance


Offline fe50

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Re: What issues with SD870IS?
« Reply #14 on: 24 / June / 2008, 03:27:46 »
Hi gaimrox,
as you discovered, the "<-Back" entry in script menu is functionless when the menu is called directly via Alt+FSET, it's there because you can enter the script menu also from within the CHDK menu, then the "<-back" menu item leaves the script sub menu...that's General-CHDK, not a SD870-only thing.

- some scripts have problems with the uBasic SHOOT instruction with flash in Auto or On - mode -> set the flash to OFF, use the cameras manual mode
- the SHOOT instruction sometimes seems to have problems with the timing, you can use the "old" style with PRESS / CLICK / RELEASE
  as described here: UBASIC TutorialScratchpad#Camera_Operation_Commands.

Additionally play with / use the SLEEP command to give the camera time to do internal things like focusing, load flash, write data...

For the problem with the automatically starting script check the "Script Autostart" in the script menu...
If a script is loaded & running you must first stop it with the shutter button (you'll see the state in the mini console on your cameras display).

But again, that's nothing SD870 specific, but this model will get one of the best documented cameras her  ;)

The limit for SD card size is 4GB (i use 1,2 & 4 GB cards), but the filesystem MUST be FAT16 - normally at a size > 2GB FAT32 is used, so you have to manually select FAT16 with a non-standard cluster size of 64k (ok, not so easy on a Mac).

Links for Mac users: Bootable_SD_card, Mac FAQ

CHDK is written in assembler  & C programming language, for scripts a special version of uBasic is used (in new experimental versions like the "jucifox builds" the LUA language is available additionally to uBasic).

Although - the language sometimes / often is russian  :lol


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